Year 3

Technologies Support Materials

Assessment Principle 6

Assessment should lead to school-wide evaluation processes

Food and fibre production snapshot: Investigation and report on milk production

Technologies/Design and Technologies/Knowledge and understanding/Technologies and society/ Food and fibre production

Content Description

Role of people in design and technologies occupations

Types of food and fibre produced in different environments, cultures or time periods, including the equipment used to produce or prepare them

Background information

The Years 3 and 4 teachers collaborated to develop an assessment task that they could use to evaluate the Design Technologies program. They devised a task that could be used to assess both Year 3 and Year 4 students.

Nature of the assessment

Extended task

Purposes of the assessment

To determine the range of ability in Years 3 and 4

To evaluate students’ growth in learning as they progress from Year 3 to Year 4

Stage in the Teaching sequence

At the end of a teaching cycle – summative assessment

Assessment task

Students were required to investigate and report on:

  • the history of milk production
  • how changes in technology have affected milk production.

Assessment process

Students know how to conduct an investigation and record findings. They were given class time and homework time to conduct their research and write a report.

Using the information

The teachers assessed the students’ reports.

They collaborated to develop their marking criteria and assessed the students’ reports in terms of the students’ technology understandings and their report writing skills, literacy being a school-wide focus. They used their assessment of the technology understandings to evaluate:

  • the spread of ability within a year level
  • the overlap of ability across year levels
  • typical growth in understandings from Year 3 to Year 4.

They also used their assessment of the students’ report writing skills as part of their evaluation of their school-wide literacy program.