  • recognising words that start with a given sound, or end with a given sound, or have a given medial sound, for example ‘b-e-d’ and ‘l-e-g’
  • replacing initial sounds in spoken words, for example replace the ‘m’ in ‘mat’ with ‘c’ to form a new word ‘cat’
  • deleting initial onset sound in spoken words, for example delete the ‘f’ from ‘farm’ to make a new word ‘arm’
  • substituting medial sounds in spoken words to make new words, for example ‘pin’, ‘pen’, ‘pan’
  • substituting final sounds in spoken words, for example substitute the ‘t’ in ‘pet’ with ‘g’ to form a new word ‘peg’
  • Speaking Speaking
  • Listening Listening
ScOT catalogue terms