  • considering how technologies have been developed to meet the increasing needs for mobile communication
  • investigating the work of Australian scientists such as Fiona Wood and Marie Stoner on artificial skin
  • considering safe sound levels for humans and implications in the workplace and leisure activities
  • investigating contemporary science issues related to living in a Pacific country located near plate boundaries, for example Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Cross-curriculum priority icon
  • investigating how scientific and technological advances have been applied to minimising pollution from industry Sustainability Cross-curriculum priority leaf icon
  • considering how choices related to the use of fuels are influenced by environmental considerations Sustainability Cross-curriculum priority leaf icon
  • researching how Torres Strait Islander Peoples are at the forefront of the development of scientific measures to prevent the transfer of certain infectious diseases and pests to the Australian continent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Cross-curriculum priority Hand icon