- becoming familiar with the Spanish alphabet, noticing that there is an additional letter as compared to English, ñ
- imitating Spanish sounds such as j in viaje, ñ in niño, b and v (vaca y boca), ll in calle, and rr in carro
- noticing that statements and questions have different intonations, for example, Fernando no está. ¿Fernando no está?
- developing pronunciation, phrasing and intonation skills by singing, reciting and repeating words and phrases in context
- experimenting with sounds in onomatopoeic words such as those related to animal sounds`, for example, pío, (pájaro), quiquiriquí (gallo), miau (gato), guau (perro)
- noticing differences in punctuation between Spanish and English, such as inverted exclamation and question marks at the beginning of sentences