  • becoming familiar with the Turkish alphabet and writing conventions, for example, by identifying sounds and spelling of specific phonemes, such as, /ı/, /ö/, /ü/, /ç/, /ğ/, /ş/ and comparing them with English sounds
  • understanding that intonation patterns create different meanings, as in the distinction between questions, statements and exclamations, geliyor musun? / geliyorsun / gelsene!
  • differentiating between vowel and consonant sounds
  • experimenting with sounds in onomatopoeic words, such as those related to animal sounds, üüürüüü (horoz), miyav miyav (kedi), möö (inek), hav hav (köpek ), cik cik (kuş); comparing with the pronunciation of equivalent animal sounds in English
  • developing pronunciation, phrasing, syllabification and intonation skills by singing, reciting and repeating words and phrases in context