- recognising the basic word order, subject–object–verb, and applying it in simple statements, imperatives and questions, for example, Ali gel. Ali okula gel. Ali okula geldi. Ali okula geldi mi?
- describing colour (mavi), size (büyük/küçük) and shape (üçgen), and recognising that adjectives come before nouns
- describing quantity, using cardinal numbers such as bir-yüz and ordinal numbers such as birinci, ikinci
- using the ending -ler/-lar to express plurality, mainly with countable nouns, such as çocuklar, ördekler
- recognising question words and anticipating likely answers, for example, Kim? Ne? Nerede? Nereye? Kimle? Ne kadar? Ne zaman? Nasıl? Hangisi?
- expressing affirmative and negative responses, such as evet, hayır, değil, doğru, yanlış
- learning how to use simple suffixes and subject and possessive pronouns, for example, ben/benim, sen/senin, o/onun and evim/evimiz, evin/eviniz, evi/evleri
- building vocabulary related to familiar environments, such as anne, kitap, kedi, and using cognates, such as ev, okul, aile, hayvanlar
- using prepositions to specify locations, for example, üstünde, altında, yanında, arkasında, önünde, arasında, sağında, solunda
- describing actions using imperatives and simple verbs, such as otur, kalk, elini kaldır, koş, yürü, gel, git, oku, yaz
- linking ideas using simple conjunctions, for example, ve, ile, ama