Health and Physical Education


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Health and Physical Education


Year Stage Description

The Stage A curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about themselves and experience simple actions and activities to keep themselves healthy and safe.

Students develop their awareness of others and explore the importance of familiar people.

Students learn through movement in a range of settings. They experience fundamental movement skills through structured movement activities and explore their environment. This establishes an awareness of body movements and their movement abilities.

For Stage A, teachers need to select focus areas that are age appropriate and reflect the physical, social and emotional maturation of the student. The focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol and other drugs (AD)
  • food and nutrition (FN)
  • health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
  • mental health and wellbeing (MH)
  • relationships and sexuality (RS)
  • safety (S)
  • active play and minor games (AP)
  • challenge and adventure activities (CA)
  • games and sports (GS)
  • fundamental movement skills (FMS)
  • lifelong physcial activities (LLPA)
  • rhythmic and expressive movement activities (RE).

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Identify self (self-awareness) (VCHPEP001)

React as body parts are moved and named (VCHPEP002)

React to significant people (VCHPEP003)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

React to people and sensory experiences (VCHPEP004)

Use facial expressions to indicate an emotion and demonstrate preference (VCHPEP005)

Contributing to healthy and active communities

Experience health and safety actions (VCHPEP006)

Experience play activities (VCHPEP007)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Experience their body being moved through a variety of positions and locations (VCHPEM008)

Experience a variety of physical and structured leisure activities (VCHPEM009)

Understanding movement

Experience regular physical activities and begin to develop an awareness of how different parts of the body move (VCHPEM010)

Experience their body moving in relation to effort, space, objects and people (VCHPEM011)

Learning through movement

Cooperate when experiencing physical activities and movement (VCHPEM012)

Experience body movement and demonstrate some basic movements (VCHPEM013)

Engage in physical activities (VCHPEM014)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage A, students recognise themselves. They demonstrate different emotions people experience. They participate in actions that help them to be healthy, safe and physically active. They experience different settings where they can be active. Students show general awareness of body position and own body when moved by others.

Students develop personal and social skills in a range of activities. Students begin to demonstrate an awareness and recognition of familiar people and routine activities. They demonstrate attachments and trust with familiar adults. They demonstrate, with assistance, safe and healthy behaviour in routine personal care activities. They coactively perform fundamental movement skills and explore basic movement challenges.


Year Stage Description

The Stage B curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their ability and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are supported to participate in activities associated with their personal health and hygiene. They cooperate and learn to complete some steps independently.

Students are introduced to the basic types of food and they begin to indicate personal needs.

Students explore topics related to their body parts, feelings, family and safety. Students are taught and encouraged to express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes. Students learn to adhere to single-word safety instructions and start identifying some basic road safety behaviour.

Students develop their capacity to initiate and participate in respectful relationships in different contexts. These include at school, at home, in the classroom and when participating in physical activities.

Students learn through movement as they participate in physical activity in a range of different settings. They engage in a variety of physical activities and explore basic play equipment. The content enables students to experience a range of motor activities and develop and practise fundamental movement skills through active play and structured movement activities. They develop balance and mobility whilst moving independently and negotiate various surfaces. Students start developing their fine motor grasp and manipulation skills as they use equipment and objects.

For Stage B, teachers need to select focus areas that are age appropriate and reflect the physical, social and emotional maturation of the student. The focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol and other drugs (AD)
  • food and nutrition (FN)
  • health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
  • mental health and wellbeing (MH)
  • relationships and sexuality (RS)
  • safety (S)
  • active play and minor games (AP)
  • challenge and adventure activities (CA)
  • games and sports (GS)
  • fundamental movement skills (FMS)
  • lifelong physical activity (LLPA)
  • rhythmic and expressive movement activities (RE).

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Identify what they like and dislike (VCHPEP015)

Identify some major body parts (VCHPEP016)

Identify significant people and communicate when they feel safe/unsafe (VCHPEP017)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Practise basic skills of personal care and communicate basic needs, likes and dislikes and experience the social skills of turn taking and sharing (VCHPEP018)

Express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes (VCHPEP019)

Contributing to healthy and active communities

Participate in a variety of health, safety and wellbeing actions (VCHPEP020)

Engage in structured play activities (VCHPEP021)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Practise basic gross motor movements (VCHPEM022)

Engage in a variety of physical activities and explore basic play equipment (VCHPEM023)

Understanding movement

Engage in regular physical activities and explore the development of their ability (VCHPEM024)

Explore the space around them and learn to move in relation to effort, space and objects (VCHPEM025)

Learning through movement

Cooperate with an adult to use equipment during physical activity (VCHPEM026)

Use trial and error to develop balance, independent moving across surfaces and manipulation skills (VCHPEM027)

Follow basic single word instructions when participating in structured physical activities (VCHPEM028)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage B, students recognise themselves in mirror and photographs and explore the personal characteristics and capabilities they possess. Students express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes through gesture and ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses. Students recognise actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They can identify places where they play and participate in physical activity from an option of two images.

Students use personal and social skills to assist them to participate in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices and protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in a variety of different regular activities. They intentionally perform some basic gross motor movement skills and use trial and error to solve basic movement challenges.


Year Stage Description

The Stage C curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their personal characteristics, abilities and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are introduced to the basic principles of living a healthy life including personal-care routines and ways to indicate/communicate personal needs.

Students develop their capacity to participate in respectful relationships and explore the importance of familiar people at school, at home, in the classroom and when participating in physical activities. Students follow basic social skills and behaviour in specific situations and contexts, to regulate their emotional expression and respond to the emotions of others. Students identify the cause of their feelings, how to respond to others' feelings, and express their own feelings. They learn to make simple decisions, become socially aware and responsive to people.

Students engage in a variety of physical education experiences with and without equipment in a range of environments. They develop and practise basic motor skills through active play and structured movement. They demonstrate beginning understandings of safety rules when participating in structured physical activities and develop a movement vocabulary.

For Stage C, teachers need to select focus areas that are age appropriate and reflect the physical, social and emotional maturation of the student. The focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol and other drugs (AD)
  • food and nutrition (FN)
  • health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
  • mental health and wellbeing (MH)
  • relationships and sexuality (RS)
  • safety (S)
  • active play and minor games (AP)
  • challenge and adventure activities (CA)
  • games and sports (GS)
  • fundamental movement skills (FMS)
  • lifelong physical activity (LLPA)
  • rhythmic and expressive movement activities (RE).

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Identify their personal characteristics (VCHPEP029)

Identify major body parts and stages of life (VCHPEP030)

Identify and name members of immediate family and demonstrate safety awareness, respond to safety instructions and identify safe and unsafe places and items in the environment (VCHPEP031)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Practise personal hygiene, independence skills and social skills including taking turns (VCHPEP032)

Explore their feelings and practice expressing their needs, likes and dislikes using simple communication tools (VCHPEP033)

Contributing to healthy and active communities

Practise a variety of health, safety and wellbeing actions (VCHPEP034)

Participate in structured play in various settings (VCHPEP035)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Practise simple whole-body movements and gross motor movement patterns (VCHPEM036)

Participate in a variety of physical education experiences and games with simple rules with equipment in a range of environments (VCHPEM037)

Understanding movement

Engage in regular physical activities and explore the development of their ability and health (VCHPEM038)

Identify how their body moves and relate to space and objects (VCHPEM039)

Learning through movement

Take turns with a partner or in small groups when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM040)

Test possible solutions to movement challenges through trial and error to maintain balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces and grasp and manipulate objects(VCHPEM041)

Follow simple movement instructions and safety rules when participating in structured physical activities (VCHPEM042)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage C, students recognise key stages of life, how they have grown and changed. They identify some obvious emotions and their cause. They experience and become more independent with actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active.

They identify some different settings where they can be active by matching an activity to a location. They perform basic gross motor movement patterns and maintain balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces and use a range of equipment.

Students use personal and social skills to include others in a range of activities. Students actively participate in personal care routines and attempt some basic tasks independently. They demonstrate protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in different activities. Students alter their behaviour in the presence of familiar persons and demonstrate personal preference by changing, and accepting and rejecting things. They indicate the cause of a current feeling and demonstrate some acceptable ways of behaving. They identify when someone is upset or needs help. They perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges in the playground and in gym sessions.


Year Stage Description

The Stage D curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their strengths and simple actions they can take to keep themselves and their classmates healthy and safe. They learn about major body parts, their family, healthy eating, feelings and safety.

Students explore the people that are important to them and develop the capacity to initiate and maintain respectful relationships in different contexts. They learn to show some consideration for the needs and feelings of themselves and others, including at school, at home, in the classroom and when participating in physical activities.

Students learn through movement by engaging in a variety of physical activities in a range of environments (indoor, outdoor and aquatic). Students participate in simple games with support, to follow instructions and to remain on task. They develop and practise fundamental movement skills through active play and structured movement activities to improve competence and confidence in their movement abilities.

For Stage D, teachers need to select focus areas that are age appropriate and reflect the physical, social and emotional maturation of the student. The focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol and other drugs (AD)
  • food and nutrition (FN)
  • health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
  • mental health and wellbeing (MH)
  • relationships and sexuality (RS)
  • safety (S)
  • active play and minor games (AP)
  • challenge and adventure activities (CA)
  • fundamental movement skills (FMS)
  • games and sports (GS)
  • lifelong physical activities (LLPA)
  • rhythmic and expressive movement activities (RE).

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Identify what they can do (VCHPEP043)

Identify the major parts of the body by their names and sequence images of major stages of life (VCHPEP044)

Demonstrate an understanding of different kinds of relationships and identify some private places and safe and unsafe places or situations (VCHPEP045)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Practise personal skills of self-care, hygiene and independence and practise social skills to interact with others (VCHPEP046)

Identify emotional responses and describe their feelings using pictures and/or words (VCHPEP047)

Contributing to healthy and active communities

Explore what actions promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP048)

Explore play in outdoor settings and the natural environment (VCHPEP049)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Practise simple gross motor and fine motor skills in a range of environments showing increasing control (VCHPEM050)

Participate in simple games with support and begin to anticipate the next step in familiar physical routines (VCHPEM051)

Understanding movement

Explore how regular physical activity keeps them healthy and well (VCHPEM052)

Identify their pathway through a space and use vocabulary associated with movement to describe how their body moves in relation to space, objects and people (VCHPEM053)

Learning through movement

Cooperate with others and demonstrate characteristics of a good sport when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM054)

Test possible solutions to movement challenges by negotiating the space around them and manipulate objects (VCHPEM055)

Follow basic safety directions, and familiar game rules when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM056)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage D, students recognise changes to their body over the year. They identify and describe basic emotions people experience and what makes them feel this way.

They recognise some routine actions they do to help them to be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different settings where they can be active and ways they move and play safely. They reflect upon how their body responds to movement.

Students make use of personal and social skills in a range of activities to be healthy and work with others. In structured situations they demonstrate practices and protective behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy in everyday events and different routine activities. They perform fundamental movement skills involving simple gross motor movements and solve basic movement challenges.

Pre-primary year Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Pre-primary, the content provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students focus on becoming aware of their strengths and the simple actions they can take to keep safe and healthy. Opportunities are provided for students to better understand their own feelings and explore the ways they can communicate their feelings to others. Students are provided with opportunities to develop personal and social skills necessary to effectively interact with others and build relationships.

Students are encouraged to explore a range of environments through active play and structured movement activities. They focus on the introduction and development of basic fundamental movement skills across a range of settings to improve their competence and confidence in their movement abilities. They are provided with opportunities to work collaboratively, follow rules and problem solve through games and physical activities.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

The different parts of the body and where they are located (ACPPS002)

Protective behaviours to keep safe and healthy: 

  • saying 'no'
  • moving away
  • telling an adult
  • asking for help


Trusted people in the community who can help individuals feel safe (ACPPS003)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Personal and social skills to interact with others: 

  • expressing needs, wants and feelings
  • active listening
  • self-discipline 


Emotional responses individuals may experience in different situations, such as feeling: 

  • happy
  • sad
  • excited
  • tired
  • angry
  • scared
  • confused


Appropriate language and actions to communicate feelings in different situations, including exploring how to seek, give or deny permission when sharing possessions or personal space
For example:

  • practising and refining how to ask for permission
  • negotiating roles and demonstrating awareness of rights (such as body autonomy/integrity) and respect for different perspectives through imaginative and shared play experiences
  • sharing or negotiating in play and respecting someone’s right to say no


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing
For example:

  • eating healthy food
  • practising appropriate personal hygiene routines
  • identifying household substances that can be dangerous
  • following safety symbols and procedures
  • rehearsing help-seeking strategies that contribute to keeping themselves and others safe


Safe active play in outdoor settings and the natural environment (ACPPS007)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Body management skills:

  • static balance (one foot)
  • line walk 


Locomotor skills:

  • run
  • jump (two foot)
  • hop
  • gallop


Object control skills:

  • kick off the ground
  • catch


Fundamental movement skills in simple games with or without equipment (ACPMP009)

Understanding movement

The ways in which regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy and well (ACPMP010)

Ways to maintain a balanced position when walking, running, hopping and jumping (ACPMP011)

Learning through movement

Cooperation with others when participating in physical activities, including partners, small groups and whole class (ACPMP012)

Rules when participating in physical activities:

  • use of boundaries
  • safe use of appropriate equipment
  • responding to a whistle and commands/instructions


Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify unsafe situations and ways they can be healthy and safe, such as identifying trusted people in their community. Students identify simple actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing in familiar contexts and state why they are important.

Students identify different emotions that people experience in response to certain situations and use appropriate language and actions to communicate their own feelings.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform fundamental movement skills, including body management, locomotor and object control skills.

Students identify ways that being active can make them healthy and well. They cooperate with other members of the group in structured movement activities and follow simple rules, such as staying between set boundaries and responding to commands.

Year 1 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 1, the content builds on the learning from Pre-primary and supports students to better understand their personal identities and how these change over time. Students learn about physical changes to the body as they grow and why it is important to eat a healthy diet and participate in regular physical activity. They develop strategies to keep healthy and safe, and skills to enhance their interactions with others. Opportunities are given to explore health messages in the media and how they influence choices and behaviours.

Students focus on continuing to develop fundamental movement skills to use space more effectively and explore ways to select, transfer and apply simple movement skills. They learn about changes to the body when exercising, and work cooperatively to learn new skills and solve movement challenges through games and physical activities.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Personal strengths and how these change over time (ACPPS015)

The strengths of others and how they contribute to positive outcomes, such as games and physical activities (ACPPS015)

Ways in which the body changes as individuals grow older (ACPPS016)

Strategies to use when help is needed
For example:

  • dialling 000 in an emergency and providing relevant information
  • reading basic safety signs
  • accessing a safety house or a trusted network
  • asking a trusted adult


The benefits of healthy eating and regular physical activity on health and wellbeing (ACPPS018)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Appreciation and encouragement of the behaviour of others through the use of:

  • manners
  • positive language
  • praise


Positive ways to react to their own emotions in different situations, such as:

  • walking away
  • seeking help
  • remaining calm


Ways health messages are communicated on:

  • television
  • posters
  • radio


Strategies to use when needing to seek, give or deny permission are practised.
For example:

  • saying 'yes' and 'no' in an assertive manner, and using non-verbal body cues and gestures
  • interacting with others in a fair and respectful way in play and other activities, regardless of differences in gender, abilities, race or personality


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Actions that support a safe classroom, such as:

  • moving around safely
  • sharing appropriately
  • following class rules


Physical activities that can take place in natural and built settings in the local community (ACPPS023)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Body management skills:

  • side roll (pencil)


Locomotor skills:

  • jump (one foot)
  • dodge
  • skip


Object control skills:

  • underarm throw
  • ball bounce


Fundamental movement skills involving the control of objects in simple games:

  • kick
  • catch
  • bounce


Understanding movement

Physical changes to the body when exercising, such as:

  • raised heart rate
  • increased breathing rate


Ways to maintain a balanced position while performing various skills, such as throwing or running (ACPMP029)

Learning through movement

Strategies that will assist with involving everyone in games (ACPMP030)

Cooperation skills in partner and group work during physical activity practices (ACPMP030)

Alternative ways in which tasks can be performed when solving movement challenges (ACPMP031)

Simple rules and fair play in partner, group activities and minor games (ACPMP032)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify what constitutes an emergency or unsafe situation and apply a range of appropriate strategies to access help, in order to keep healthy and safe.

While interacting with others, students provide a suitable response to encourage positive behaviour which could include using manners, positive language or praise.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a number of fundamental movement skills, including body management, locomotor and object control skills. They apply these skills when they participate in simple games or physical activities.

Students provide a simple description of the physical changes to their body when they are physically active. They follow rules, participate cooperatively and demonstrate fair play in simple games and physical activities.

Year 2 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 2, the content supports students to make decisions that enhance and promote personal health and wellbeing. Students focus on becoming more aware of their personal identity and how their social interactions and relationships change over time. They explore a variety of strategies and behaviours to keep safe and healthy. Students further develop social skills, becoming aware of the feelings of others in different situations and demonstrating positive ways to respond, such as including peers in activities. Opportunities are provided to further explore health messages in the media and the ways they influence a healthy, active lifestyle.

Students broaden the range and complexity of fundamental movement skills practised, and gain confidence in applying skills in game situations. Through active participation, they continue to explore changes to the body during exercise, and develop personal and social skills to cooperate with, and include, others in physical activities. They are provided with opportunities to work collaboratively, and develop skills to make positive choices and play fairly with others in physical activity challenges.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Personal strengths and achievements and how they contribute to personal identities (ACPPS015)

Changes in relationships and responsibilities as individuals grow older (ACPPS016)

Strategies to use when help is needed:

  • knowing and practising the procedure for dialling 000 in an emergency; for example, responding to an allergic reaction
  • locating safety houses and trusted networks in the local community


Strategies and behaviours that promote health and wellbeing:

  • personal hygiene practices
  • healthy eating
  • sufficient sleep
  • staying hydrated
  • regular physical activity


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Strategies to include others in activities and games (ACPPS019)

Ways to interpret the feelings of others in different situations, such as:

  • words other people use
  • facial expressions
  • body language


Ways health messages are communicated in the media and how they can influence personal health choices, such as 'slip, slop, slap' (ACPPS021)

Strategies to use when needing to seek, give or deny permission are practised
For example:

  • saying 'no' to inappropriate touching


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Actions that keep people safe and healthy in and outside the classroom, such as:

  • staying hydrated
  • being sun smart
  • following school rules


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Body management skills:

  • forward roll


Locomotor skills:

  • jump for height


Object control skills:

  • overarm throw
  • punt
  • two-hand side strike


Fundamental movement skills involving the control of objects in simple games:

  • overarm throw
  • kick


Simple games that use a combination of movement skills (ACPMP027)

Understanding movement

Positive responses to physical activity, such as a feeling of wellbeing (ACPMP028)

Ways in which the body reacts during physical activity (ACPMP028)

Ways to maintain a balanced position while performing various skills (ACPMP029)

Learning through movement

Positive choices when participating in group activities, such as:

  • dealing with winning and losing
  • encouraging team-mates


Alternatives and their effectiveness when solving movement challenges, such as:

  • gaining possession
  • scoring
  • changing positions
  • use of equipment


Importance of rules and fair play in partner, group activities and minor games (ACPMP032)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students list appropriate strategies and behaviours, and outline how they promote health, safety and wellbeing related to personal health practices, such as drinking enough water and getting sufficient sleep each night.

Students interpret the feelings of others and provide a suitable strategy to respond to them, such as including classmates in activities or games.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a number of fundamental movement skills, including body management, locomotor and object control skills. They apply a combination of these skills when they participate in simple games or physical activities.

Students describe ways their body reacts and the positive feelings they have when participating in physical activity. They demonstrate positive ways to interact with others in games and describe why rules and fair play are important.

Year 3 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 3, the content further develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing and safety. Opportunities are provided for students to explore and strengthen their personal identity and broaden their understanding of physical, social and emotional changes as they grow older. Students practise skills and strategies to promote positive relationships, and interpret the accuracy of health information communicated in the media and online environments. 

Students continue to build on previous learning and develop greater proficiency across the range of fundamental movement skills. They combine skills to create cohesive movement patterns and sequences, and develop strategies that support them to achieve physical activity goals. Students are introduced to the benefits of regular physical activity and the impact on health and wellbeing. They also focus on developing personal and social skills, such as cooperation, which support inclusive practices.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Factors that strengthen personal identities, such as the influence of:

  • family
  • friends
  • school


Physical, social and emotional changes that occur as individuals grow older, such as changes to:

  • the body
  • friendships
  • feelings


Protective behaviours and communication skills to respond to unsafe situations
For example:

  • keeping calm
  • using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication skills


Strategies to use when help is needed
For example:

  • seeking help to ensure the safety of themselves and others


Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety and wellbeing:

  • healthy eating
  • appropriate levels of physical activity


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Circumstances that can influence the level of emotional response to situations (ACPPS038)

Strategies for seeking, giving and denying permission are rehearsed and refined, and situations where permission is required are described
For example:

  • exploring giving consent for their photo to be shared
  • actions they can take if someone has done something hurtful or disrespectful to them
  • actions they can take if someone has done something without their permission or consent, including in online environments


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Ways to be active in natural environments (ACPPS041)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills:

  • kick
  • catch
  • underarm throw
  • overarm throw
  • bounce


Combination of locomotor and object control skills in minor games (ACPMP043)

Locomotor skills:

  • run
  • jump
  • hop
  • dodge


Ways to maintain a balanced position when performing locomotor and object control skills (ACPMP045)

Movement skills and tactics to achieve an outcome:

  • gaining possession
  • navigating an obstacle course


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing:

  • maintenance of a healthy weight
  • prevention of some diseases


Movement skills that combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people (ACPMP047)

Learning through movement

Cooperation skills to ensure everyone is included in all physical activities (ACPMP048)

Basic rules in a variety of physical activities and ways in which they keep activities safe and fair (ACPMP050)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify appropriate actions and behaviours, including those used in daily routines that promote health, safety and wellbeing.

Students describe how emotional responses vary in different situations, and behaviours that support positive relationships, such as the ability to show empathy and respect for others.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of fundamental movement skills, including locomotor and object control skills, and combine these with simple tactics when participating in physical activities and minor games to achieve an intended outcome.

Students describe the benefits of regular physical activity and fitness to health and wellbeing, including maintenance of a healthy weight and prevention of some diseases. In physical activities and minor games, they apply strategies for working cooperatively, and follow basic rules to ensure activities are safe and fair.

Year 4 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 4, the content provides opportunities for students to focus on personal, social and emotional factors that contribute to becoming persistent and resilient. Students learn about specific strategies to promote personal, social and emotional health and wellbeing, and positive relationships. They develop ways to foster respect and empathy.

Students focus on developing greater proficiency of movement across a range of skills and apply these with confidence and competence to a variety of physical activities. They continue to combine skills to create movement patterns and apply strategies to achieve successful outcomes, or solve movement challenges. They broaden their knowledge of the benefits of regular physical activity in relation to health and wellbeing.Students are taught to include others in all activities and how to recognise the consequences of personal and team actions, responding appropriately to ensure fair participation for all.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Use of persistence and resilience as tools to respond positively to challenges and failure, such as:

  • using self-talk
  • seeking help
  • thinking optimistically


Strategies that help individuals to manage the impact of physical, social and emotional changes, such as:

  • positive self-talk
  • assertiveness
  • seeking help
  • sharing responsibilities


Personal behaviours and strategies to remain safe in uncomfortable or unsafe situations, such as:

  • being alert and aware of unsafe situations
  • using assertive behaviour and language
  • knowing who or where to go for help in the community


Strategies to ensure safety and wellbeing at home and at school
For example:

  • following school rules
  • identifying and choosing healthier foods for themselves
  • making decisions that keep themselves and others safe in a range of situations

(AC9HP4P09; AC9HP4P10)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

The positive influence of respect, empathy and the valuing of differences in relationships (ACPPS037)

Strategies to identify and manage emotions before reacting (ACPPS038)

Strategies to cope with adverse situations and the demands of others (ACPPS038)

Ways in which health information and messages can influence health decisions and behaviours (ACPPS039)

Strategies for seeking, giving and denying permission are rehearsed and refined, and situations where permission is required are described
For example:

  • exploring actions they can take when they or others are unsafe, such as saying no, leaving the situation and reporting the incident
  • discussing how to use strategies in situations in which someone posts an embarrassing picture online without permission, touches private parts of their body, or uses violence


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Ways in which regular physical activity in natural and built environments promotes health (ACPPS041)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills:

  • kick
  • catch
  • underarm throw
  • overarm throw
  • bounce
  • forehand strike


Combination of locomotor and object control skills in minor games (ACPMP043; ACPMP044)

Locomotor skills:

  • run
  • jump
  • dodge


Ways to maintain a balanced position when connecting movements (ACPMP045)

Movement skills and tactics to achieve an outcome:

  • creating scoring opportunities
  • problem solving to achieve an outcome


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing:

  • improved sleep
  • social contact


Movement skills that combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people (ACPMP047)

Learning through movement

Cooperation skills and practices to ensure everyone is included in all physical activities (ACPMP048)

Transfer of skills and knowledge to solve movement challenges (ACPMP049)

Basic rules and scoring systems to keep physical activities safe and fair (ACPMP050)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify personal behaviours that promote health, safety and wellbeing in unsafe or uncomfortable situations. They know where to go or who to speak with to get help in a variety of different environments, including at home and at school.

Students explain behaviours which convey respect and empathy and contribute to positive relationships. They interpret health information and messages, and discuss ways these can influence health decisions and behaviours.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of fundamental movement skills, including locomotor and object control skills, and combine them with simple tactics when participating in physical activities and minor games to solve movement challenges. They improve their performance in a variety of contexts through the application of previously learned skills.

Students describe the benefits of participating in regular physical activity, including improved sleep and social contact. In physical activities and minor games, they apply strategies for working cooperatively and follow basic rules to ensure safety and fairness for all.

Year 5 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 5, the content provides students with the opportunity to focus on the influence of emotional responses on relationships and to develop skills and strategies to manage changing relationships occurring at key transition points in their lives. They learn about ways they can take action to promote safe and healthy lifestyle practices in a range of contexts. They also focus on the importance of preventive measures to enhance their own health and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Students develop and refine greater proficiency across a range of specialised movement skills, strategies and tactics. They focus on improving awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, and assess how this can help them to successfully achieve movement outcomes or goals.

Students examine the different roles and responsibilities associated with physical activity participation, and continue to apply ethical behaviour that is consistent with promoting fair play and championing appropriate sporting conduct.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Ways that individuals and groups adapt to different contexts and situations (ACPPS051)

Changes associated with puberty which vary with individuals:

  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional


Reliable sources of information that inform health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • internet-based information
  • community health organisations
  • publications and other media

(ACPPS053; ACPPS057)

Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
For example:

  • comparing food labels on products
  • increased physical activity
  • practising sun safety
  • using action plans for emergency situations to ensure the safety of themselves and others


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Skills and strategies to establish and manage relationships over time, such as:

  • exploring why relationships change
  • assessing the impact of changing relationships on health and wellbeing
  • building new friendships
  • dealing with bullying and harassment


Ways in which inappropriate emotional responses impact on relationships, such as:

  • loss of trust
  • fear
  • loss of respect


Strategies for seeking, giving or denying consent are described, and how to communicate intentions effectively are rehearsed
For example:

  • exploring the steps of asking, responding, listening and reacting, and practising how to communicate their intentions effectively at each step
  • interpreting verbal and non-verbal cues related to seeking, giving and denying consent in a range of situations


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Preventive health measures that promote and maintain an individual's health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • bicycle safety
  • sun safety


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills demonstrating adjustment of force and speed to improve accuracy and control (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Linking of fundamental movement skills to specific skills used in organised games, sports and activities, such as linking throwing to basketball passing and shooting (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Basic strategies and tactics to successfully achieve a movement outcome or goal:

  • body awareness
  • spatial awareness
  • relationship to and with objects, people and space


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing:

  • control of blood pressure
  • reduced risk of heart disease
  • reduced stress
  • improved concentration


Manipulation and modification of the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people, and their effects on movement skills (ACPMP065)

Learning through movement

Responsibilities of different roles in a range of physical activities, such as:

  • player
  • coach
  • referee/umpire


Ethical behaviour in applying rules in all game situations (ACPMP069)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify practical strategies for promoting a healthy lifestyle and adapting to changing situations that occur as they grow and mature.

They identify emotional responses appropriate to different situations and apply skills and strategies to manage relationships over time.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of refined fundamental movement skills. They implement simple tactics in physical activity and game contexts and respond to challenges involving people, objects and space to achieve an intended outcome.

Students explain some of the benefits of regular physical activity and maintaining physical fitness in relation to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. They identify the effects on movement skills when effort, space, time, objects and people are manipulated. Students demonstrate ethical behaviour and use this to be effective when taking on the role of player, coach or referee/umpire.

Year 6 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 6, the content provides students with the opportunity to refine and further develop skills and strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle including those that focus on minimising and managing conflict and building self-esteem to support healthy relationships. Students are provided with opportunities to develop skills in accessing reliable and up-to-date information, and continue to explore ways they can manage negative health influences and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Students refine, consolidate and develop greater proficiency across a range of specialised skills, strategies and tactics in game situations and movement challenges. They focus on improving skill selection and awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, in offensive and defensive contexts.

Students develop and refine interpersonal skills that support them to adopt different roles and responsibilities and perform these with competence and confidence. They are encouraged to further develop leadership roles in team situations, with a focus on sound ethical conduct and the application of a broad knowledge of sport-specific rules.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Strategies and resources to understand and manage the changes and transitions associated with puberty, such as:

  • minimising and managing conflict
  • recognising and building self-esteem
  • selecting and managing relationships


Criteria that can be applied to sources of information to assess their credibility (ACPPS053)

Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
For example:

  • refusing medicines, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs
  • improving the nutritional value of meals
  • increasing physical activity
  • being safe in an online environment
  • developing and practising action plans for emergency situations to ensure the safety of themselves and others


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Skills to establish and manage positive relationships, such as:

  • showing respect and empathy
  • being cooperative
  • actively listening
  • being trustworthy
  • accepting differences


Situations in which emotions can influence decision-making:

  • in peer group
  • with friends
  • with family
  • during sporting or physical activities


Strategies for seeking, giving or denying consent are described, and how to communicate intentions effectively are rehearsed
For example:

  • analysing how a person’s reaction to being denied permission to do something can affect others’ feelings and discussing options for dealing with situations when this may occur, such as feelings of disappointment, shame and anger associated with rejection


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Preventive health measures that can promote and maintain community health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • creating social connections for better mental health
  • meeting physical activity recommendations


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills demonstrating adjustment of force and speed to improve accuracy and control (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Linking of fundamental movement skills to specific skills used in organised games, sports and activities, such as linking kicking to passing and shooting in soccer (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Basic strategies and tactics to successfully achieve an offensive or defensive outcome or goal:

  • use of appropriate skills
  • spatial awareness
  • relationship to and with objects, people and space


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing:

  • control of weight and blood fats, such as cholesterol
  • improved concentration


The manipulation and modification of the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people, and their effects on movement skills (ACPMP065)

Learning through movement

Interpersonal skills in physical activities, such as:

  • encouragement of others
  • negotiation and sharing roles and responsibilities
  • dealing with conflicts and disagreements


Solutions to movement challenges through the use of basic strategies and tactics (ACPMP068)

Modification of rules and scoring systems in physical activities to create a more inclusive game and fairer contest (ACPMP069)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students describe strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle and use them in a range of contexts. They identify and apply criteria to assess the credibility of different sources of health information.

Students describe skills and strategies to establish and manage positive relationships, such as using active listening and accepting differences. They identify their own emotions and how they impact on decision-making in various contexts, and provide appropriate strategies to manage these emotions.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of refined fundamental movement skills and adapt them to move effectively in physical activity or game contexts. They implement simple tactics in response to challenges involving people, objects and space to achieve an intended outcome.

Students explain the benefits of regular physical activity and fitness to health and wellbeing. They provide a simple explanation of the effects of manipulating effort, space, time, objects and people on performance. They encourage others and are able to negotiate and deal with conflicts to achieve a positive outcome.

Year 7 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 7, the content expands students' knowledge, understanding and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in personal, social, movement and online situations. They learn how to take positive action to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing by applying problem-solving and effective communication skills, and through a range of preventive health practices.

Students continue to develop and refine specialised movement skills and focus on developing tactical thinking skills in a range of contexts and applying them to physical activities. They have opportunities to analyse their own and others' performance using feedback to improve body control and coordination. They learn about health-related and skill-related components of fitness and the types of activities that improve individual aspects of fitness. The application of fair play and ethical behaviour continues to be a focus for students as they consider modified rules, scoring systems and equipment, which allows participants to enjoy physical activities and experience success. They begin to link activities and processes to the improvement of health and fitness.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Feelings and emotions associated with transitions; and practising self-talk and help-seeking strategies to manage these transitions (ACPPS070)

Management of emotional and social changes associated with puberty through the use of:

  • coping skills
  • communication skills
  • problem-solving skills and strategies


Help-seeking strategies that young people can use in a variety of situations (ACPPS072)

Strategies to make informed choices to promote health, safety and wellbeing
For example:

  • researching nutritious meals that offer value for money
  • proposing alternatives to medicine
  • demonstrating basic first aid in medical circumstances such as: asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis
  • examining accessible physical activity options in the community


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

The impact of relationships on own and others' wellbeing:

  • the benefits of relationships
  • the influence of peers and family
  • applying online and social protocols to enhance relationships


Strategies and skills to communicate assertively when seeking, giving or denying consent are explained and applied
For example:

  • exploring assertive and respectful communication
  • understanding and applying online and social protocols to enhance relationships with others and protect their own wellbeing, including recognising and responding to online content that may be harmful for themselves or others (such as grooming or image-based abuse), respectfully communicating needs or concerns to others


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Preventive health practices for young people to avoid and manage risk, such as:

  • sun-protective behaviours
  • adoption of the Australian Dietary Guidelines for healthy food choices and serving sizes


Health and social benefits of physical activity and recreational pursuits in natural and outdoor settings (ACPPS078)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts and settings (ACPMP080)

Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space (ACPMP080)

Defensive skills used to gain control and retain possession (ACPMP080)

Understanding movement

Ways in which physical activities improve elements of health and fitness:

  • increased flexibility
  • increased strength
  • improved balance
  • increased endurance
  • increased power
  • lowered heart rate
  • lowered cholesterol
  • improved body composition by lowering percentage of body fat


Learning through movement

Communication skills that support and enhance team cohesion, such as body language and listening skills (ACPMP088)

Ethical behaviour and fair play when participating in physical activities (ACPMP088)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify strategies to promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in different situations and across different environments. Students identify the health and social benefits of physical activity and associate the importance of physical activity as a preventive health strategy.

Students apply appropriate protocols in face-to-face and online interactions and understand the importance of positive relationships on health and wellbeing.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform movement skills and sequences in selected sport or physical activity contexts with improving accuracy and efficiency. They implement simple tactics in order to achieve the intended outcome in competitive contexts.

Students describe how physical activity can improve elements of health and fitness. When participating in a variety of sports or physical activities, they demonstrate ethical behaviour and communicate to assist team cohesion and the achievement of an intended outcome.

Year 8 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 8, the content provides opportunities for students to further examine changes to their identity and ways to manage them. They continue to develop and refine decision-making skills and apply them to a range of situations, as well as in online environments. They investigate health-promotion activities that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of young people and continue to develop critical health literacy skills, including the ability to distinguish between credible and less credible sources of health information.

Students continue to broaden their repertoire of specialised movement skills and knowledge of sophisticated tactical thinking skills, and apply these to an expanding array of physical activity contexts. They build on skills to analyse their own and others' performance and use basic terminology and concepts to describe movement patterns and suggest ways to improve performance outcomes.

Students continue to reflect on, and refine, personal and social skills that support inclusive participation and fair play, and contribute to positive team cohesion.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

The impact of physical changes on gender, cultural and sexual identities (ACPPS070)

Ways in which changing feelings and attractions form part of developing sexual identities (ACPPS070)

Strategies for managing the changing nature of peer and family relationships (ACPPS071)

Communication techniques to persuade someone to seek help (ACPPS072)

The reasons why young people choose to use or not use drugs (ACPPS073)

Skills and strategies to promote physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing in various environments
For example:

  • assertive responses
  • stress management
  • refusal skills
  • online environments
  • making informed choices
  • contingency plans
  • demonstrating basic first aid in medical circumstances such as: non-life-threatening bleeds, sprains and strains


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

The impact bullying and harassment can have on relationships, including online relationships, and the health and wellbeing of themselves and others (ACPPS074)

Personal, social and cultural factors influencing emotional responses and behaviour, such as:

  • prior experience
  • norms and expectations
  • personal beliefs and attitudes


Sources of health information that can support people who are going through a challenging time (ACPPS076)

Strategies and skills to communicate assertively when seeking, giving or denying consent are explained and applied
For example:

  • exploring assertive and respectful communication
  • examining the nature of consent in different types of relationships


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Health promotion activities which target relevant heath issues for young people and ways to prevent them (ACPPS077)

Benefits to individuals and communities of valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity, such as:

  • respecting diversity
  • exploring how the traditions, foods and practices of different cultures enhance the wellbeing of the community
  • challenging racism, homophobia, sexism and disability discrimination
  • researching how stereotypes and prejudices have been challenged in various contexts

(ACPPS078; ACPPS079)

Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts with a focus on:

  • increased accuracy and efficiency in skill performance
  • control of balance and stability


Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space, such as altering body positions and applying specific tactics (ACPMP081)

Defensive skills used to achieve and retain possession (ACPMP081)

Selection of, and transfer of, tactics between movement contexts and settings (ACPMP082)

Understanding movement

Measurement of the body's response to physical activity:

  • heart rate
  • breathing/respiration


Description of movement using basic terms referring to:

  • linear motion
  • angular motion
  • general motion


Learning through movement

Modification of rules, equipment or scoring systems to allow for fair play, safety and inclusion of all participants (ACPMP088)

Selection and justification of responses selected to solve movement challenges (ACPMP087)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify skills and strategies to manage change, and promote all aspects of their own and others’ health, including making informed decisions, using assertive responses, and making contingency plans to avoid and prevent risks to health.

Students identify the impact of negative behaviours on relationships and describe a range of factors and their impact on a person’s emotional response and behaviour.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of individual movement skills and sequences demonstrating improved control, accuracy and efficiency in their performance. In competitive contexts, they implement a variety of tactics to achieve an intended outcome.

Students provide simple descriptions of how to measure heart rate and breathing rate in response to changes in physical activity. They use simple terms to describe linear, angular and general motion when reflecting on ways to improve performance outcomes. When faced with movement challenges, they select and implement simple tactical responses to achieve an intended outcome.

Year 9 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 9, the content provides for students to broaden their knowledge of the factors that shape their personal identity and the health and wellbeing of others. They further develop their ability to make informed decisions, taking into consideration the influence of external factors on their behaviour and their capacity to achieve a healthy lifestyle. They continue to develop knowledge, skills and understandings in relation to respectful relationships. With a focus on relationship skills that promote positive interactions, and manage conflict.

Students focus on elements of speed and accuracy in different movement environments, while continuing to develop the efficiency of specialised movement skills. They explore ways to evaluate their own and others' performances through analysis of skills and movement patterns using basic biomechanical concepts. They transfer previous knowledge of outcomes in movement situations to inform and refine skills, strategies and tactics to maximise success.

Opportunities are provided for students to refine and consolidate skills and strategies for effective leadership and teamwork, and consistently apply ethical behaviour across a range of movement contexts.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Factors that shape identities and adolescent health behaviours, such as the impact of:

  • cultural beliefs and practices
  • family
  • societal norms
  • stereotypes and expectations
  • the media
  • body image


Skills to deal with challenging or unsafe situations:

  • refusal skills
  • initiating contingency plans
  • expressing thoughts, opinions, beliefs
  • acting assertively


Actions and strategies to enhance health and wellbeing in a range of environments
For example:

  • the use of complementary health practices to support and promote good health
  • responding to emergency situations to administer first aid, such as Danger, Response, Send, Airway, Breathing, Compression, Defibrillation (DRSABCD)
  • identifying and managing risky situations
  • safe blood practices


Impact of external influences on the ability of adolescents to make healthy and safe choices relating to:

  • sexuality
  • alcohol and other drug use
  • risk taking


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Characteristics of respectful relationships:

  • respecting the rights and responsibilities of individuals in the relationship
  • respect for personal differences and opinions
  • empathy


Strategies for managing emotional responses and resolving conflict in a family, social or online environment (ACPPS094)

Skills to determine appropriateness and reliability of online health information (ACPPS095)

Strategies are examined, such as communicating choices, seeking, giving and denying consent, and expressing opinions and needs that can support the development of respectful relationships, including sexual relationships
For example:

  • describing strategies that enhance the safety and wellbeing of sexual partners, such as communicating feelings of each party, respecting boundaries and choices, gaining affirmative consent, assertive communication and respecting individuals’ rights
  • investigating the Western Australian legal requirements in relation to seeking, giving, refusing and accepting the refusal of consent, and considering how these laws relate to relationships with friends, colleagues, strangers and intimate partners, in both online and offline interactions


Contributing to healthy and active communities

The implications of attitudes and behaviours on individuals and the community, such as:

  • prejudice
  • marginalisation
  • homophobia
  • discrimination


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts reflecting:

  • increased speed and accuracy
  • increased complexity

(ACPMP099; ACPMP100)

Tactical skills used to create, use and defend space, such as selection of positions (ACPMP101)

Selection and adaption of responses to the outcome of previous performances (ACPMP101)

Understanding movement

Measurement of the body's response to physical activity:

  • flexibility
  • strength
  • balance
  • endurance


Description of movement using basic kinematic and kinetic terms, such as:

  • projectile motion
  • summation of forces


Learning through movement

Skills and strategies for effective leadership, including teamwork and motivation (ACPMP105)

Transfer of skills and tactics between physical activities (ACPMP106)

Characteristics of fair play and application of fair and ethical behaviour in physical activity (ACPMP107)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify and apply relevant criteria to determine reliability of online health information and whether it is suitable for use in a particular context.

Students evaluate a range of characteristics of respectful relationships, such as showing respect for self and others, and personal differences and opinions. They describe and apply appropriate skills and strategies to resolve and manage conflict within different environments.

Physical Education

At Standard, students select and use individual movement skills and sequences that increase in complexity and perform them with increased speed, control and improved accuracy. They implement tactics and adapt them in response to previous performances.

Students describe projectile motion; summation of forces; and ways to measure a number of the body’s responses to physical activity. In competitive contexts, students participate ethically and demonstrate ways to build motivation and encourage teamwork.

Year 10 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 10, the content provides students with the opportunity to begin to focus on issues that affect the wider community. They study external influences on health decisions and evaluate their impact on personal identity and the health of the broader community. Students continue to develop and refine communication techniques to enhance interactions with others, and apply analytical skills to scrutinise health messages in a range of contexts.

In continuing to improve performance, students transfer learned specialised movement skills with increasing proficiency and success across a variety of contexts. They use feedback to improve their own and others' performance with greater consistency, and critically evaluate movement responses based on the outcome of previous performances. Through the application of biomechanical principles to analyse movement, students broaden their understanding of optimal techniques necessary for enhanced athletic performance.

Students self-assess their own and others' leadership styles and apply problem-solving approaches to motivate participation and contribute to effective team relationships. They are also provided with opportunities to assume direct control of physical activities in coaching, coordinating or officiating roles.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

The impact of societal and cultural influences on personal identity and health behaviour, such as:

  • how diversity and gender are represented in the media
  • differing cultural beliefs and practices surrounding transition to adulthood


Skills and strategies to manage situations where:

  • risk is encouraged by others
  • response to an emergency situation is required; for example:
    • water environments
    • road traumas
    • alcohol and other drugs


Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:

  • alcohol and other drugs
  • body image
  • fast food
  • road safety
  • relationships


External influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, including the impact decisions and actions have on their own and others' health and wellbeing (ACPPS092)

Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as:

  • appropriate emotional responses in a variety of situations
  • taking action if a relationship is not respectful
  • appropriate bystander behaviour in physical and online interactions


Effects of emotional responses on relationships, such as:

  • extreme emotions impacting on situations or relationships
  • the consequences of not recognising emotions of others


Critical health literacy skills and strategies:

  • evaluating health services in the community
  • examining policies and processes for ensuring safer behaviours


Strategies are examined, such as communicating choices, seeking, giving and denying consent, and expressing opinions and needs that can support the development of respectful relationships, including sexual relationships
For example:

  • reflecting on the potential impact of their own behaviour on others and the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions to ensure they do no harm to others
  • refining strategies to communicate clearly and respectfully their choices, needs and opinions in a range of relationship scenarios, such as in peer group, family or work situations


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Health campaigns and/or community-based activities designed to raise awareness, influence attitudes, promote healthy behaviours and increase connection to the community (ACPPS096; ACPPS097)

Social, economic and environmental factors that influence health, such as:

  • level of education
  • income/employment
  • social networks and supports (family, friends and community attachment)
  • housing
  • access to services


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts reflecting:

  • increased complexity
  • transference of learned skills to new activities


Evaluation, selection and implementation of responses to changing conditions based on the outcome of previous performances (ACPMP101)

Understanding movement

Measurement of the body's response to physical activity:

  • hydration
  • perceived exertion rating


Biomechanical concepts:

  • acceleration
  • absorption of force by the body


Analysis of impact of changes to effort, space and time on performance and quality of outcome (ACPMP103)

Learning through movement

Skills and strategies to improve team performance, such as:

  • motivation
  • team-work
  • leadership


Management of participation and rules during physical activities (ACPMP107)

Application of fair play and ethical behaviour and ways they can influence the outcome of physical activities (ACPMP107)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students explain the impact of social and cultural influences on personal identity and health, safety and wellbeing, including stereotypes and gender, diversity and cultural differences. They analyse media messages about health, and propose and evaluate interventions to improve individual and community health and wellbeing.

Students evaluate the impact of emotional responses on relationships and apply skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as taking action to address disrespect or other inappropriate behaviour.

Physical Education

At Standard, students select, use and evaluate individual movement skills and sequences and implement tactics appropriate to the physical activity context, based on the outcome of previous performances. They apply appropriate technique while performing skills that increase in complexity.

Students describe acceleration and force absorption in relation to physical activity and improving performance. They describe ways to measure hydration and perceived exertion in response to physical activity. Students demonstrate ethical behaviour in competitive contexts and apply skills and strategies to improve team performance.

same-sex attractedselectassertiveness (assertive behaviour)general motioncontextual factorsprotective behavioursmarginalisationcritically analyseenhancepredictanalysetransphobiadispositionsgenderbody awarenessunderstandsense of selfmovement challengesspiritual healthevaluateholistic healthtactical skillsresilientlocomotor skillssexualityself-efficacysocietal influencesdemonstratefamiliar (adj.)harm minimisationrecogniseinterpretinitiative gamescommunity healthhealth messagesmovement concepts and strategiesinvestigatecultural identitiessuggestjustifyonline environmentscultural diversitysocial skillssense of placedynamic drillsexaminesummarisemental healthsummation of forcescontrolpersistencefluencymovement sequencestacticmanipulateobject control skillsdiscriminationwellbeinggender diversedimensions of healthtransitionsvaluessocial justice principleskineticoutdoor educationrefusal skillsdescribeidentifysynthesisesexual healthmodified gameslinear motioncompareprejudicestrengths-based approachattitudedesign (verb)angular motionexplainkinematic termssportchange (noun)projectile motioncritically evaluateaccelerationcomplexitycooperation skillsmovement explorationminor gamesbuilt settingsphysical activitypreventive health practicespersonal skillscoping skillsperformance-related fitnessdevelophealth literacyintersexfundamental movement skillsonline safetyspatial awarenessdiversitymanipulative skillspuntsolvediscussmovement situationsstereotypesbeliefbody management skillsadvocate (verb)health-related fitnessdrugemotional healthtransgendernatural settingsreproductive healthcritical inquiry approachphysical fitnessrespondsocietal normsprecisionethical behavioursedentary behaviourelements of movementcreative movementdistinguishstatic drillsbystander behaviourkinaestheticcontingency planspreventive healthstrategyconsistencyrecreationempathyforcecultural influencesidentitiessocial healthapplyresiliencecomplementary health practicesnon-locomotor skills
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