Application for permission to use Authority materials for production of 'good answer' publication of selected ATAR course examination responses.

Professional teacher associations are able to produce a ‘good answer’ publication of selected ATAR course examination responses to assist teachers and students with their preparation for examinations.


  1. The Association must complete an application for permission to use School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) materials. This will cover the use of some ATAR course examination questions but not any quotes, pictures, text etc. in the examination for which the Authority has had to gain copyright. This application must be received by the Authority by Friday, 6 December 2024.
  2. If the application is successful, the Association will be sent a licence agreement. The Association must sign and return the licence agreement.
  3. If the application is successful, representatives of the Association will be provided access to the candidate scripts through the Principal Consultant – Written Examinations, Laura Dunnett, who can be contacted on 9273 6730 or at The Authority will provide access to the scripts until Friday, 21 February 2025.
  4. The Authority will seek permission from the candidates of selected scripts, on behalf of the Association, to use their examination response. The Authority will give the Association a list of candidates who have given permission for their examination response to be included in the publication, approximately three weeks after the Association has selected the candidate scripts.
  5. The Association will create the ‘good answer’ publication and submit a copy to the Authority for approval prior to publication.
  6. If referring to any Authority course, examination or document within the resource, the Association must use the correct official title as per the Authority website. For example, the course must be referred to as Year 12 English ATAR course or the marking key as English ATAR course examination 2024 marking key..
  7. The confidentiality of all information relating to the examinations must be respected and must not be used for personal gain or benefit. All work remains the property of the Authority.


Friday, 6 December 2024

Applications for licence close

January 2025

Associations informed of outcome of application

January – Friday, 21 February 2025

Associations can access the scripts

Thursday, 24 April 2025

Associations must submit a draft copy of the resource to the Authority for approval


There may be a small cost for the licence agreement depending on the status of the Association, i.e. not-for-profit organisation.

The Association is required to reimburse the Authority for the time and cost involved in seeking candidate permission.



per USB

Processing data


1 day per Level 3 staff member

Handling enquiries


1 hour Level 8 staff member
1 hour Level 7 staff member


10 cents

per page


For more information, contact:

Barclay Jones
Manager – Examination Logistics on 9273 6309 or

Laura Dunnett
Principal Consultant – Written Examinations on 9273 6730 or

Janice Greenaway
Senior Consultant – Copyright and Library on 9442 9430 or

Requests to use School Curriculum and Standards Authority material

Apply Online