P-10 Handwriting Continuum

The Handwriting Continuum outlines some of the likely observable qualities of the progression of handwriting through phases of development rather than year level standards. The continuum commences with a beginning writing phase and progresses through to the development of a personal handwriting  style and is represented through 18 phases. Provided with each phase is a description of the common observable qualities and a selection of student work samples. The samples exemplify each phase and highlight specific qualities in the phase. They also provide further clarification of the finer differences  between each phase. This resource is not intended to be a checklist of achievement, nor is it intended to be used for formal reporting processes, though it may be useful in providing language in any written advice accompanying a formal report.

Please note: Access to the Handwriting Continuum require teachers to login or register for an Extranet account at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/extranet/login