Key ABLEWA Resources Support Materials


The Western Australian curriculum, including the ABLEWA Stages A to D materials, can be accessed from the Western Australian Curriculum page located in the Teaching section of the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

Support Resources

ABLES Assessment Tool

The ABLES Assessment Tool is available online for licensed users. For more information, see: ABLES assessment tool. opens in new window

Online Professional Learning Course

The Online Professional Learning Course assists teachers to effectively implement the ABLES assessment tool. It is a free online course suitable for teachers and educational support staff.  Access the course through the Professional Learning Portal opens in new window.

The course comprises five modules, each focussing on a specific element of the suite of resources and each requiring approximately 30 minutes of online participation to complete. A certificate of completion is available at the conclusion of each module.

Professional learning relevant to teaching students with disability can contribute to teachers’ professional development requirements for registration with the Teachers Registration Board WA.

Research Behind ABLES

In 2007 the Department of Education and Training, Victoria partnered with the University of Melbourne and worked with almost 700 teachers across 77 Victorian government schools that described approximately 1,700 students’ proficiency in: English – Speaking and listening English – Reading and writing Personal learning Interpersonal development This research informed the development of the ABLES resources which target and support the development of individual learning plans by providing knowledge about students’ readiness to learn.

Research Papers

Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice
Competence Assessment
Differing Cognitive Development
Mapping Transitions

Information for Parents

The PDFABLEWA Fact sheet for parents opens in new window has been developed to provide clear information regarding the curriculum materials and assessment tool.


If you require further information regarding the ABLEWA resources or materials, please email the ABLEWA team at:

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority acknowledges the development of the ABLES Assessment Tool by the University of Melbourne and the Department of Education and Training, Victoria and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority for their development and publication of the ABLES Curriculum and Support Materials.