- discussing differences between ways that they are expected to listen and speak in class and ways they do so in home and community
- identifying particular domains of language use, words and expressions used at school which may be unfamiliar, such as terms related to particular content areas or interactions between teachers and students
- taking on different roles in group and pair work, for example, being leader, recorder, time monitor, or reporting back to the larger group or providing feedback to others about their roles
- using sign language for interactions in the classroom as appropriate
- formulating different types of questions to ask a class visitor, such as open and closed questions and when, why and how questions
- building the language of classroom interaction, for example, by asking relevant questions, prompting and checking individual and group understanding, using descriptive and expressive language when recounting experiences
- developing language that supports planning of learning tasks and activities, organising resources, monitoring and recording learning experiences, such as clarifying and explaining, giving opinions, justifying, reporting results of group discussions
- acknowledging others’ ideas and opinions and indicating agreement or disagreement in non-judgemental ways
- developing language to evaluate and reflect on their own learning, for example, describing how they feel when they are learning a new skill, strategies they use to persevere until they are successful, identifying ways they use their strengths to help themselves and others
ScOT catalogue terms