Early Childhood Teaching and Learning Videos Support Materials
An initial series of seven videos has been produced to support teaching and learning practices across the Early Years Phase of Schooling from Kindergarten to Year 2 that reflect the expectations in the Authority’s Early Years of Schooling Policy and the Kindergarten and Pre-primary Statement https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/principles/guiding-principles/phases-of-schooling. The videos exemplify the Vision, Principles and Practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Learning Outcomes from the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines).
The initial seven videos present an Overview of Early Childhood, illustrate teaching and learning linked to the five Learning Outcomes and an Early Years K–2 initiative uniting the WA Curriculum, the Guidelines and the EYLF.
Incorporating multi-age groups, multicultural perspectives and dialogue of children, teachers and school leaders, each video has an organic, active and immersive quality that captures the deep and expansive knowledge of our early childhood professionals. They demonstrate passion, articulate the reasons behind decision-making in early childhood and authentically represent ‘best practice’. The videos were not scripted prior to filming and demonstrate the deep understanding of the development of children in this phase of schooling, the national frameworks and the Guidelines. It should also be noted the videos were filmed late in Term 4.
Video One: Learning Outcomes
A snapshot of authentic teaching and learning in Kindergarten with stronger links to Outcome 1 : Identity, highlighting the intentional role of the educator in building relationships for learning.
Video Two: Learning Outcomes
A snapshot of authentic teaching and learning in kindergarten with stronger links to Outcome 2 : Connecting and Contributing, building a strong sense of belonging, being and becoming.
Video Three: Learning Outcomes
A snapshot of authentic teaching and learning in kindergarten with stronger links to Outcome 3 : Wellbeing, developing a positive sense of self-worth and a strong sense of mental health and wellbeing.
Video Four: Learning Outcomes
A snapshot of authentic teaching and learning in kindergarten with stronger links to Outcome 4 : Learning and Thinking and a multi-age Pre-primary / Year 1 classroom demonstrating the Principles and Practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), exploring children’s strengths, capabilities and curiosity.
Video Five: Learning Outcomes
A snapshot of authentic teaching and learning in kindergarten with stronger links to Outcome 5 : Communication, for interacting with the world and others.
Video Six: Early Childhood Kindergarten to Year 2 Overview
An introduction to the early childhood phase of schooling, exploring the complexities of best practice in early childhood with commentary from school leaders and early childhood specialist teachers.
Video Seven: WOW Wednesday
A snapshot illustrating a collaboration between kindergarten to Year 2 educators to demonstrate an intentionally designed opportunity to routinely bring together the early childhood phase of schooling through intentional play experiences. This demonstrates a unique and purposeful initiative which unites the Western Australian curriculum, the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and the Principles and Practices of the EYLF.