  • collecting information about each other’s likes, dislikes or interests to create a class profile, chart or database, using checklists, surveys or question cues
  • creating a class book or digital display about topics they have been studying in their language classes and/or other curriculum areas
  • writing narratives about their community’s past and present based on researched facts, characters and events
  • creating and editing a presentation that includes text, images and sounds to record and explain aspects of life in their school, community, region
  • constructing a multimedia profile of their school and community
  • recounting an event, an experience or a journey, for example, a hunting trip, providing details such as how they travelled, who was with them, what animals they tracked and sighted, who cooked the animal
  • writing procedural texts, for example, to explain how to prepare and cook bush tucker, how to make tools, how to decorate artefacts, how to play a favourite computer game, sport or playground game
  • creating profiles to present to the class of significant people, for example, favourite sports personalities, music groups, celebrities, community leader/negotiator/spokesperson
  • introducing a guest speaker or visitor to the class, providing information on their background, purpose of visit, achievements
  • collaboratively planning, rehearsing and delivering short presentations, providing key details in chronological sequence
  • creating texts such as flyers, posters or posts on the school website to advertise an upcoming event
  • describing milestones or significant events in their lives that have shaped their identity, for example, by creating timelines or visual representations