  • discussing their ways of interacting in a range of contexts and situations that involve different ways of talking, for example, using deferential speech styles with respected kin or authority figures and in relationships involving status, and more informal styles with friends and close family members
  • comparing personal reflections on shared experiences, such as visiting a metropolitan centre, a school excursion or a camp, noticing differences in their responses and perspectives
  • discussing community news items and events, such as local sport or celebrations, comings and goings of individuals and families, actions of community leaders, new infrastructure or extreme weather events, identifying facts from opinions and gossip and rumours from real events
  • discussing future learning and career pathways, comparing their aspirations and discussing and evaluating options
  • drawing on personal and community knowledge to participate in debates and discussions on social, environmental or educational issues that impact on their region/community, for example, effects of mining, farming, grazing or commercial fishing or tourism on community life, problems related to feral animals, endangered animals, introduced species, water quality, adequate infrastructure, public amenities, and health care, explaining and justifying points of view, and using strategies such as ‘story’ to make a point
  • canvassing differing opinions and perspectives on particular issues, for example, the challenge to traditional authority and transmission of knowledge posed by the technologies of literacy, the use of social media, the role of land councils in looking after Country/Place compared with traditional land and sea/water management practices, summarising arguments for or against particular points of view
  • critically analysing and discussing coverage in a range of news media of issues relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • identifying and evaluating policies, actions and events that they believe contribute to the well-being of their community and other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities, explaining and discussing their findings