  • listening and responding to Elders and community members telling stories about aspects of the past, for example, bush toys and children’s games, hunting, fishing and gathering food, how food was prepared and cooked, implements used, animals that were eaten, ways of travelling from place to place, kinds of dwellings, how water was found
  • describing and recording different weather and seasons of their Country/Place in a picture diary or a series of paintings, annotating them with changes that occur throughout a year, including the seasonal behaviour of animals and what plants grow in particular seasons
  • learning to read Country/Place with Elders’ guidance, for example, by looking for tell-tale signs such as animal tracks and fruit fall, migratory birds, turtle tracks, animal behaviour, fresh diggings around a lair
  • recognising and drawing and labelling different animal tracks
  • investigating/exploring Country/Place with Elders/community members or park rangers, for example, by identifying different trees, plants, animals and insects, making leaf and bark rubbings, observing how different bush foods grow and are used, observing different animal behaviour, such as hiding by camouflaging, taking photos or drawing and writing captions and comments to make a class book
  • observing and describing different plants, for example, parts of the plant, plant size and shape of leaves and seeds, where/how they grow
  • observing and describing animals/living creatures, how they move, where they live (for example, in burrows and nests), what they eat, naming body parts, how they reproduce
  • classifying animals, plants and natural objects from the environment, using appropriate cultural categories, for example, edible/non-edible, meat/non meat, salt water/fresh water, day/night animals, wood/rock, rough/smooth, hard/soft, things that live in trees, in water, plants that grow together/alone
  • identifying, naming, and labelling key places and topographical features such as creeks, springs, rocky outcrops, water sources, estuaries, reefs, desert landforms, using some location and directional terms such as up, down, near, north, south, east, west
  • describing the direction and location of familiar places (near and far, above and below, beside and opposite)
  • identifying and labelling some important places in the built environment, for example, dwellings, settlements, community store, health clinic, art centre, ranger station, school, places to play, roads and tracks, describing and explaining their purpose and role and who works there
  • naming and discussing key ceremonies and social and cultural events, the times of year at which they occur and associated activities in the community
  • viewing local photos, videos, books, IndigiTUBE, to find information about cultural practices such as musical instruments used, performance paraphernalia
  • recording how frequently/ for what purposes they visit particular places, representing information on a graph or table with teacher guidance
  • identifying, talking about and describing artefacts, describing how they are used, how they are made and maintained, what materials they are made from
  • labelling, drawing and matching inside and outside body parts
  • learning and using vocabulary and expressions related to healthy living and eating, personal hygiene and fitness