  • participating in shared reading of traditional and contemporary stories and responding, for example, by sequencing and captioning pictures, drawing events in sequence, retelling and re-enacting with props or actions
  • predicting the content/meaning of narrative texts such as picture books, including titles, covers and illustrations, and giving reasons for their predictions
  • illustrating and describing main characters and key events in stories, songs and performances
  • discussing their favourite characters or events in familiar stories, songs, performances, making simple evaluative statements and comparing each other’s responses to the texts
  • identifying key animals, birds and other characters in stories, songs, performances and dances, recognising and describing particular patterns of movement and discussing the significance of particular dance elements
  • listening to Elders/community members telling stories from the local area, and responding by retelling parts of the story, for example, in the sand, in dot paintings, or through performance
  • listening to Elders/community members tell stories, identifying which stories belong to which natural features in the region/Country/Place and the significance of particular animals and natural species
  • identifying, naming and describing significant sites, landforms and other features of Country/Place through which a travelling story passes
  • identifying and discussing key messages expressed in stories, song, dance and visual design
  • reading contemporary texts and recreating elements in new imaginative ways, using oral language, visual design, dance, digital technologies and performance