  • discovering places in the local area that have Indigenous names, such as streets, suburbs, parks, rivers, public institutions
  • visiting Country/Place to identify and name key topographical features, for example, creeks, springs, rocky outcrops, estuaries, reefs, desert landforms, taking photos and labelling them to create a class book
  • listening to Elders/community members sharing knowledge about Country/Place, identifying and recording key words and vocabulary
  • identifying, naming and labelling salient features of the built environment, for example, dwellings, public buildings, school, places to play, ports and roads
  • recording the weather and seasons of the Country/Place throughout the year in a picture diary or through a series of captioned paintings, including the seasonal behaviour of animals and what plants grow in particular seasons
  • naming, labelling and sorting into culturally appropriate categories elements from the environment such as bush foods, animals, plants and natural objects, classifying in terms of distinctions such as, edible/non-edible, meat/non meat, salt water/fresh water, day/night animals, rough/smooth, hard/ soft,
  • learning to read Country/Place with Elders’ guidance by looking for signs such as animal tracks and fruit fall, migratory birds, turtle tracks, animal behaviour, fresh diggings around a lair, appearance of whales
  • locating specific words and familiar phrases in texts such as charts, lists, photos, maps, and using the information to complete guided oral and written tasks
  • naming, labelling, drawing and matching outside body parts
  • learning and using vocabulary and expressions related to healthy living and eating