  • working with others to take action, such as producing a poster or invitation for a special event or creating a bush tucker garden
  • interacting with Elders/community speakers, following instructions/procedures, for example, to make an artefact, create an art work or prepare bush tucker, including hand signs as appropriate
  • discussing young people’s interests and preferences in different contexts, such as favourite activities, foods, television programs, computer games, how they get to school, leisure activities at different times of the year, languages they speak at home
  • participating in national celebrations and significant events, for example, NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week, Harmony Day, then reflecting or reporting on the experience, for example by labelling and captioning photos for a class display
  • creating a skit, performance or action game to introduce a buddy class to aspects of the target language and culture, for example, protocols for introducing others, individual words or expressions that have particular social/cultural significance, common items and artefacts and gestures
  • engaging in shared tasks which involve planning and collaborating, for example, preparing, rehearsing and conducting public presentations and performances, such as an item for a school assembly or a digital presentation about a significant event
  • giving directions, for example, to guide others to locations or through an obstacle course