  • labelling, ordering and classifying natural objects from the environment using, Indigenous categories
  • obtaining information from a variety of sources about characteristic elements of the target language region, such as habitats and life cycles of different animals/birds or insects; bush plants, water supply, night sky and stars, for example, by listening to visiting Elder/community speakers and presenting findings in chart, poster, table, graphic or digital form
  • viewing, reading and interpreting texts such as bush calendars and seasonal charts, identifying features of seasons, weather patterns, plant cycles, animal behaviour and associated activities and comparing these with other seasonal calendars
  • reading, viewing or listening to simple community texts such as posters from health clinics, school magazines, community notices, answering questions by selecting from options and filling in gaps
  • viewing a demonstration, for example, cooking bush tucker, cooking in an earth oven, recording key words and phrases related to the processes of collecting and preparing
  • extracting key points from a range of spoken, written or digital texts such as posters, charts or brochures on topics such as health, well-being and cultural safety, discussing key messages and relating to them to issues in their own situations
  • giving and following directions, for example, how to get to key community facilities such as the store, football ground or school, using maps or images of the relevant area
  • locating information about social and cultural events in the target language community, such as the time of year they occur and associated activities, presenting findings in chart, poster or digital form
  • obtaining and compiling information from children in the target language community about aspects of their daily lives, using face-to-face or digital modes of communication, and presenting findings to others
  • surveying peers and community members on different topics, presenting results in chart, graph or digital format, for example, favourite television programs, video games, foods, football teams, sports or bands, after school activities/ hours spent in those activities, languages spoken in their homes and communities