  • recalling, illustrating and describing main characters and events in stories, songs and performances, for example, by selecting descriptive modelled statements as captions to their pictures and responding to questions, such as, Who? Where? How long? What?
  • reading, listening to and viewing texts, using contextual and visual cues to make predictions about the development or flow of ideas, responding to questions and sharing opinions about characters, ideas and events
  • conveying understanding of plot and sequence in texts, for example, by re-creating a sequence using a storyboard, labelling key events or creating a timeline
  • mapping sites, landforms and other features of Country through which a travelling story passes
  • listening to Elders/community speakers tell stories, interpreting signs and gestures, retelling the story to others in spoken, written or multimodal form, using a combination of key words and phrases, illustrations and visual props
  • interacting/engaging with and interpreting artistic traditions and visual designs associated with the target language community, for example, paintings, sculptures, dance
  • discussing key messages, such as social values and rules for living, that are expressed in stories, songs and dance in oral, print, digital and performance formats, comparing to messages conveyed by similar texts in their own cultures
  • responding to a creative contemporary text by manipulating the original to create a new version, for example, by re-sequencing events, adding new elements, changing locations or characters, or creating alternative endings
  • understanding and discussing the cultural importance of story and the role of storytelling in transmitting language and culture