  • listening to stories told by Elders/community speakers, interpreting signs and gestures, using correct protocols to ask clarifying questions about the stories and to find out about the role of storytelling in traditional and contemporary times
  • interpreting and responding to texts such as songs, stories, films or video clips by recording key vocabulary and expressions, identifying and explaining main ideas, key themes and sequences of events and sharing personal views and reactions with others
  • discussing how key messages and beliefs are communicated through stories and through visual and creative arts, for example, comparing the role and representation of animals, people and landscapes in different types of texts
  • discussing and explaining how land, water, sea, sky, people, plants and animals and social and ecological relationships are expressed through arts, including stories, paintings, songs, dance
  • describing and explaining aspects of artistic expression to others, for example, traditional and contemporary paintings, design, dance and the different roles of social groups in relation to traditional elements of song and dance and in the use of favoured materials and processes in the making of artefacts or the construction of headdresses
  • listening to, viewing and sharing personal reactions/responses to popular contemporary music, identifying key messages, themes and styles of performance, and considering how they incorporate commentary on social issues
  • discussing how stories and songs often link neighbouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and nations