  • identifying, naming, and labelling key topographical features of the target language region, for example, creeks, springs, rocky outcrops, estuaries, reefs, desert landforms, by viewing environmental maps, photos, videos and objects
  • listening to an Elder/community speaker sharing knowledge about Country/Place and recording key information
  • identifying and labelling significant features of the built environment, for example, dwellings, settlements, community store, health clinic, school, places to play, roads and tracks
  • locating key information about the target language region, for example, weather, seasons, daily and seasonal behaviour of animals, using resources such as charts, photos, videos, films, visual prompts and by listening to visiting Elders/community language speakers
  • naming, labelling and sorting bush foods, animals, plants and natural objects from the environment into culturally appropriate categories, such as, edible/non-edible, meat/non meat, salt water/fresh water, day/night animals, rough/smooth, hard/soft
  • describing aspects of shared knowledge about the target language region, for example, by pointing to places on a map or at pictures of food sources, plants and animals
  • identifying and labelling animal tracks in the sand, dirt or mud
  • labelling, drawing and matching body parts