- discussing cultural cues in communication that suggest differences in traditions, ideas or values, for example,التّحية المتكرّرة مثلاً: كيف حالك وكيف العائلة؟ ؛ التّعابير الدينية مثل: إن شاء الله؛ إن شاء الرّب وعشنا
- reflecting on the influence of Arabic culture on their own communication style, for example, using gestures, words or expressions with particular cultural significance in Arabic, such as kissing your own right hand, then raising your eyes and your right hand to express thanks, and discussing whether they modify their communication style when interacting in English
- comparing choices of language and behaviours when communicating in Arabic and English, explaining the modifications they make and why, for example, when addressing older people with titles such as عم (عمّو)؛ خالة؛ (طنت)
- considering own and others’ responses and reactions in Arabic–English intercultural exchanges and discussing reasons for different interpretations of meaning, for example, an Arabic-speaking man stroking his moustache in connection with an oath or promise indicates sincerity, while raising the right hand when swearing an oath is used in the Australian context