  • recognising and using fingerspelled names for roll call and games
  • exchanging greetings with peers and teachers and stating the day and date
  • following instructions for class routines, such as:
    DS:line-up PLEASE
    Line up, please.
    PLEASE WITH-2++ DS:sit-opposite
    Please find a partner and sit opposite each other.
  • asking for help or permission, for example:
    Can you help me, please?
    Can I?
  • gaining someone’s attention, for example by waving or tapping a shoulder or table
  • stopping activities and paying attention when lights are flashed or hands are waved
  • using NMFs such as focused eye gaze, nodding and head shaking to show affirmation and negation
  • keeping appropriate signing space between themselves and others
  • using visual applause to show enjoyment of entertainment or commendation