- viewing narratives in Auslan, for example, from the Auslan Storybooks website, demonstrating understanding through drawing, gesture and modelled signs
- responding to short expressive texts that involve the movement of people, animals or vehicles, demonstrating understanding through drawings or familiar signs
- responding to key elements of short signed stories, for example by mimicking facial expressions or repeated signs
- participating in interactions in Auslan that involve imaginative responses to stimuli such as cartoons using gestures, handshapes, facial expressions and simple signs to suggest what happens next in the story
- engaging with different forms of Deaf art, such as handshape creations, and responding by creating their own piece of art on a similar theme
- shadowing NMFs in short Auslan poems or narratives
- retelling favourite events of an Auslan story using modelled signing
- engaging in imaginative interactions that involve the creation of mood or momentum through repeated use of signs, handshapes and facial expressions to modify manner or intensify adjectives
- responding to performances of Deaf poetry that evoke emotions such as sadness, fear or excitement, for example by indicating enjoyment or different personal feelings