- recounting classroom events using indicating, plain and depicting verbs, for example:MONDAY PRO1-plural DS:many-people-go-to SPORT DAY. PRO1 ENJOYWe all went to a sports day on Monday. I enjoyed it.
- describing the appearance of people, objects and places using SASS depicting signs and spatial location
- recounting personal experiences using specific time-related signs and conjunctions, such as:LAST HOLIDAYS PRO1 CAMPLast holidays I went camping.
- describing activities they have completed using some verb modifications to show manner, for example:PRO1 WRITE-carelesslyI wrote it very quickly.
- interacting with members of the Deaf community to share details of their personal world
- describing relationships between themselves and members of their school community, for example:PRO3 POSS1 BEST FRIENDShe’s my best friend.M-R-S S-M-I-T-H POSS1 SCIENCE TEACHERMrs Smith is my science teacher.
- recounting events involving more than one person using constructed action
- describing events that they have experienced and how they made them feel, for example:MONDAY DEAF PERSON VISIT SCHOOL PRO1 EXCITED MEETOn Monday a Deaf visitor came to school. I was excited to meet them.MOVIE SCARY BUT PRO1 LIKEThe movie was scary but I liked it.
- comparing attributes or characteristics of classmates or classroom objects, for example:S-A-M RUN FAST C-H-R-I-S WORSE FAST SPEEDSam runs fast but Chris runs the fastest.THAT BEST COMPUTERThat’s the best computer.
- comparing weekend or holiday routines, interests and activities, using signs associated with time, sequence and location, for example:REGULAR SUMMER PRO1-plural GROUP-MOVE-TO COUNTRY STAY++ TWO WEEKWe go to the beach for three weeks in summer.WEEKEND PRO1 GO-TO-AND-BACK++ CAMPI go camping on weekends.