  • retelling key points of multistep information used in classroom interactions, such as announcements or directions for a task
  • watching signed texts that show people expressing likes and dislikes and recording and organising their observations in table form
  • watching a presentation by a teacher or peer, identifying specific points of information, such as where they went for a holiday or what activities they did
  • surveying peers in relation to their interests and preferences, categorising and comparing findings in charts or graphs
  • following the steps of a signed demonstration of procedures, such as how to cook something or play a new game
  • learning new Auslan vocabulary and language structures through interacting with Deaf visitors, teachers and mentors, recording the new language in personal sign dictionaries
  • viewing live or recorded interviews or informal conversations between deaf people in different situations and contexts, identifying key points and topics covered
  • viewing different types of signed texts, such as instructional sports videos or science demonstrations, showing understanding by responding to questions