  • noticing that sometimes Auslan signers have information about how a verb happens through NMFs not separate signs (for example WRITE-carelessly)
  • distinguishing between the citation form of a sign and the adverbial NMF overlaid and what meaning each part carries, for example: MAN-SPRINT (base form), MAN SPRINT-fast (manner added)
  • understanding that, in terms of meaning, a basic clause represents: a happening or a state (verb), who or what is involved (noun or nouns) and the surrounding circumstances (adverb or adverbs)
  • noticing that clauses can be made more vivid by integrating CA or DSs to show with body or hands or by showing adverbial or adjectival meanings
  • recognising how conjunctions such as PLUS, IF or BUT are used to join clauses and create cohesion
  • recognising that the element of a clause that a signer wants to focus on most in Auslan is sometimes moved to be signed first and that this process of topicalisation involves particular NMFs
  • recognising that signers may include both linguistic and gestural elements in a clause, that is, signers can tell, show or do both in a composite utterance
  • realising that in many clauses signers ‘tell’ with lexical signs at the same time as ‘show’ with DS, CA and other gestural elements