- participating in games and activities such as enacting scenarios involving being lost and asking for or giving directions
- following and giving instructions in groups on topics such as how to use video chat, Signbank or Auslan dictionaries
- working collaboratively on learning activities that involve organising, negotiating and prioritising tasks, for example, in devising an activity or game for the class
- working collaboratively on tasks that involve assigning and reviewing roles and responsibilities, offering feedback, support and encouragement, for example:PRO2 TYPE PRO1 WRITEYou type and I’ll write.GOOD TYPING-hard WORK-hardGreat typing up; looks like lots of work.G:FLOP-HAND DOESN’T MATTER NOT WORRYOh, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it.
- giving, accepting or declining invitations, including making excuses to avoid causing offence or embarrassment, such as:SORRY PRO1 STUCK, BASKETBALL TRAININGSorry, I can’t go because I have basketball training.
- participating in hypothetical scenarios that involve transactions, for example, preparing for or participating in a Deaf World workshop