  • recognising grammatical functions of common suffixes and prefixes to assist comprehension in reading, for example, recognising that 子, 者, 家 are noun suffixes (for example, 家 in 书法家、数学家)
  • discriminating between the contextual meanings of characters with multiple meanings, such as 家 in 家人 and in 画家
  • recognising words that reflect particular cultural understandings, for example, 天气means ‘weather’ but literally translates as ‘sky’s energy’
  • explaining the function of words and structures in language encountered, for example, 了in the sentence 我早上看见了两只猫 indicates the completion of an action in the past
  • exploring and beginning to build more complex messages, such as using forms of cohesion, and finding ways to generalise or nominalise ideas, for example, 因为… 所以 …, 虽然… 可是…, 不但… 而且…, 总而言之/总的来说
  • recognising the different focus and purpose of alternative sentences, for example, 他把杯子狠狠地扔在地上 and 杯子被狠狠地扔在地上
  • understanding that there are different applications of grammatical rules in spoken and written language, for example, in ordering food (for example, comparing the structure of the following expressions: 来点儿什么菜?; 您吃点儿什么?;你想吃/要吃什么?; 你想吃海鲜炒饭吗?; 海鲜炒饭要吃吗?)
  • differentiating use of grammar based on context, for example, using sentences with more formal structures in report writing
  • recognising terms and expressions used in formal written styles, for example, 首先,其次,最后 rather than 先…后来…后来…