  • identifying the challenges of translating some concepts (for example, 龙的传人: ‘descendant of dragon’), and developing strategies to overcome these; asking, for example: What is lost in translation? Why can’t we just translate word for word? Why does context matter?
  • translating short phrases or texts, noting culture-specific words and phrases, and discussing alternatives, equivalence or non-equivalence
  • discussing reasons for creating different translations for different audiences
  • comparing alternative ways of translating to identify ‘normality’ in one’s linguistic and cultural context, for example, using the term 软饮料 instead of 无酒精饮料 assumes the reader/audience has a degree of connection to English to understand meaning of 软
  • considering ways to convey culture-specific terms (for example, 中药和食疗, 上火,大补) in English