  • identifying superfluous or language-specific information that impedes rather than supports understanding when moving between languages, for example, 雷锋其人其事,在中国几乎人人知道
  • using suitable equivalents or providing new culturally appropriate examples to explain concepts or ideas specific to another language or culture, for example, explaining English terms ‘chilling’ or ‘hanging’ in Chinese; expressing 百年树人 as ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’
  • noticing deliberate word choices (such as 人民、大众、居民、人们、老百姓) suited to a particular purpose or style
  • identifying the use of sarcasm (for example, 哟, 今天这么早来学校, 太阳打西边出来了) and how it is transferred across languages
  • experimenting with ‘word play’, for example, 谐音秃子打伞----无法无天(无发无天), and discussing how this might be transferred into English