- extending understanding and use of present, past and future tenses, for example, είμαι, ήμουν, θα είμαι, έχω, είχα, θα έχω, έπαιζα, έπαιξα, παίζω, θα παίξω, θα παίζω
- referring to the past, present and future using time indicators, for example, σήμερα, αύριο, χτες, μεθαύριο, προχτές, πριν λίγες μέρες
- expanding use of adjectives such as μεγάλος-η-ο, ωραίος-α-ο, απίθανος-η-ο, φοβερός-η-ο
- using possessive and object pronouns μου, σου, του, της, του, μας, σας, τους
- extending meaning by using adverbs of place and time such as εδώ, εκεί, χτες, μεθαύριο,
- understanding the use of πολύ
- using expressions with the verb κάνω, κάνει κρύο/ζέστη, κάνω δουλειές, κάνω όνειρα, τι κάνεις;
- understanding the function of comparative and superlative adjectives, for example, πιο μεγάλος, μεγαλύτερος, ο πιο μεγάλος
- developing knowledge of vocabulary relating to, for example, immediate environments, relationships, leisure, hobbies, shopping, travel