- discussing own and peers’ understanding of concepts and messages expressed in stories/myths/lyrics, for example, the adventures of Odysseus and the concept of life’s ‘odyssey’ or journey, stories of migration or the teachings of Aesop’s fables
- recognising that language use can have connections to cultural practices, such as celebrating birthdays and name days, 25η Μαρτίου in the diaspora
- reflecting on the experience of learning Greek language and culture and identifying situations that have provided awareness of own cultural practices and values, for example, attending a Greek festival or show
- understanding the meaning of wishes such as Να σας ζήσει, Καλά στέφανα, Χρόνια Πολλά, Να τα εκατοστίσειςand the concepts of φιλότιμο and φιλοξενία
- discussing the meaning of culture, how it involves visible elements such as symbols, food, national costumes, dancing and language, and invisible elements such as values and beliefs