  • comparing English and Spanish versions of familiar types of texts, noting similarities and differences in language features and text structure, for example, ways of opening and closing formal or personal letters
  • understanding how to use cohesive devices such as conjunctions and time markers in texts to sequence, link and elaborate ideas, for example, y, o, pero, ademásprimero, después, de pronto
  • analysing features of common types of texts such as stories, emails, songs and slogans, identifying how the choice of language and structure works to achieve each text’s purpose
  • identifying the intended audience, purpose and key language features of familiar types of texts such as recipes, announcements, road signs or instructions, for example, Primero, se pelan las patatas..., Señores pasajeros, el tren con destino ..., SE RUEGA SILENCIO, Escribir la respuesta a las siguientes preguntas ...