
Exploration of, and experimentation with, three (3) elements of dance

  • Body:
    • body awareness (awareness of body in space in relation to objects)
    • body zones (whole body movements, moving different parts of the body)
    • body bases (feet, knees)
  • Space:
    • levels (medium, low)
    • direction (forward, backward)
    • personal space and general space
    • dimensions (big, small)
    • shape (straight, curved, angular)
  • Time:
    • tempo (fast, slow)

to create dance sequences (ACADAM001)

Locomotor (walking, skipping, running) and non-locomotor (twisting, bending, turning, swaying) movements to develop body control, coordination and strength (ACADAM002)

Safe dance practices, including respecting others in the dance space (ACADAM002)