

Exploration, improvisation and selection of movement ideas to create a dance that has a narrative structure (ACADAM005)


Exploration of, and experimentation with, four (4) elements of dance (BEST)

  • Body:
    • body parts (gestures)
    • body zones (front, back, sideways)
    • body bases (feet, knees, hands)
  • Energy:
  • Space:
    • levels (medium, low, high)
    • direction (forward, backward, diagonal)
    • personal space and general space
    • dimensions (big, small, narrow, wide)
    • shape (straight, curved, angular, twisted, closed, circular, symmetry to asymmetry, angular to curved)
    • pathways (in the air with the arms, under, over, on the floor)
  • Time:
    • tempo (fast, slow, slowing down, speeding up)
    • rhythm (regular, irregular)

to create dance (ACADAM005)

Combinations of fundamental movement skills that develop body awareness, coordination, control and balance (ACADAM006)

Safe dance practices, including following warming-up and cooling down procedures (ACADAM006)


Rehearsal processes (including practising) to improve dance performance (ACADAM007)

Performance skills (entering and leaving the performance space on cue) and acknowledging the audience when presenting dance (ACADAM007)