Exploration, improvisation, selection and combination of movements to choreograph dance based on an idea/theme (ACADAM009)
Integration of the four (4) elements of dance (BEST)
- Body:
- Energy:
- controlling and combining different movement qualities (sharp to soft, floppy to stiff, smooth to jagged)
- force (strong to gentle)
- weight (heavy, light)
- Space:
- levels (medium, low, high, moving between levels)
- direction (forward, backward, diagonal, circular)
- group formations (small or large groups of dancers in lines, circles, diagonals, clusters, squares) throughout the space
- personal space and general space
- positive and negative space
- dimensions (big, small, narrow, wide)
- shape (straight, curved, angular, twisted, closed, circular, symmetry to asymmetry, angular to curved)
- pathways (in the air with the arms, under, over, on the floor)
- Time:
- tempo (fast, slow, slowing down, speeding up)
- rhythm (regular, irregular)
- stillness (pausing, freezing, holding a shape then continuing dance sequence)
- duration (long and short movements)
- acceleration/deceleration
to choreograph dance (ACADAM009)
Use of the choreographic devices of repetition, contrast and unison when choreographing group dance (ACADAM009)
Combinations of increasingly complex fundamental movement skills incorporating directional changes that develop body awareness, coordination, control, balance, strength and accuracy (ACADAM010)
Safe dance practices, including knowing their own body capabilities when participating in dance lessons or rehearsals (ACADAM010)