Aural identification of the role and treatment of one or more elements of music in isolation and combination in a range of music works (not all content may be relevant to the selected context):
- beat groupings/subdivision in simple time:
and compound time:
- augmentation/diminution, rhythmic motif
- irregular metres
- tempo: rubato, a tempo
- scales: add melodic minor and chromatic up to 4 or more sharps and 4 or more flats in treble and bass clefs
- chords: major and minor primary triads in isolation and simple progressions, add (ii) in major keys
- tonality: add consonance and dissonance
- inversion
Dynamics and expression
- gradations of sound (fp), terraced dynamics, ornamentation, expressive devices and articulations relevant to style and context
Form and structure
- motivic development, through composed and strophic, interlude
- use of idiomatic techniques (bowing, harmonics, vibrato, glissando/slide, sticks/mallets, slap bass, digitally manipulated sound, oscillation, filters, pedals)
- horizontal and vertical layers of sound appropriate to style and context and repertoire studied (distortion, white noise) (ACAMUM099)
Aural identification of the role and treatment of one or more elements of music in isolation and combination in a range of music works (not all content may be relevant to the selected context):
- beat groupings/subdivision in simple time:
and compound time:
- augmentation/diminution, rhythmic motif
- irregular metres
- tempo: rubato, a tempo
- scales: add melodic minor and chromatic up to 4 or more sharps and 4 or more flats in treble and bass clefs
- chords: major and minor primary triads in isolation and simple progressions, add (ii) in major keys
- tonality: add consonance and dissonance
- inversion
Dynamics and expression
- gradations of sound (fp), terraced dynamics, ornamentation, expressive devices and articulations relevant to style and context
Form and structure
- motivic development, through composed and strophic, interlude
- use of idiomatic techniques (bowing, harmonics, vibrato, glissando/slide, sticks/mallets, slap bass, digitally manipulated sound, oscillation, filters, pedals)
- horizontal and vertical layers of sound appropriate to style and context and repertoire studied (distortion, white noise) (ACAMUM099)