Improvisation with and organisation of the elements of music to create simple compositions (ACAMUM089)
Communication and recording of music ideas using graphic and standard notation, dynamics, terminology and relevant technology (ACAMUM090)
Development and consolidation of aural and theory skills, including:
- rhythm (simple time:
, minim rest
; compound time:
- tempo (changing tempos; terminology (accelerando, ritardando/rallentando))
- pitch (intervals (tones, semitones); major scale; tonality: pentatonic and major)
- dynamics (terminology and symbols mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf)); expressive devices (legato,staccato)
- form (rondo (ABACA); riff)
- timbre (instrumental and vocal ensembles (e.g. rock band, orchestra, jazz band, different tone colour for particular purposes))
- texture (individual layers of sound (e.g. bass line, harmony line))
to compose and perform music (ACAMUM088)
Application of rehearsal processes to improve music performances and sustain audience engagement (ACAMUM090)
Development of performance skills (singing in tune, playing a variety of classroom instruments with correct timing and technique, incorporating some dynamics; maintaining own part at correct pitch and tempo when performing with others) (ACAMUM090)