Development and consolidation of aural and theory skills, including:

  • rhythm (simple time, compound time: 6 semiquavers, dotted minim , dotted crtochet rest)
  • tempo (changing tempos; terminology)
  • pitch (intervals occurring in scales); tonality: minor
  • dynamics (terminology and symbols); expressive devices (accents)
  • form
  • timbre (individual instruments within ensembles and instrument groups; acoustic and electronic sounds)
  • texture (layers of sound)

to compose and perform music (ACAMUM088)

Development and consolidation of aural and theory skills, including:

  • rhythm (simple time, compound time: 6 semiquavers, dotted minim , dotted crtochet rest)
  • tempo (changing tempos; terminology)
  • pitch (intervals occurring in scales); tonality: minor
  • dynamics (terminology and symbols); expressive devices (accents)
  • form
  • timbre (individual instruments within ensembles and instrument groups; acoustic and electronic sounds)
  • texture (layers of sound)

to compose and perform music (ACAMUM088)