Music literacy (aural/theory)

Development of aural skills, aural memory and inner hearing to identify, sing/play back and transcribe pitch and rhythm patterns (ACAMUM092)

Aural recognition of specific elements of music in short excerpts (not all content may be relevant to the selected context):


  • simple time: 2/4,3/44/4semibreve, minim, crotchet, quavers, 4 semiquaversand compound time: 6/8dotted minim, dotted crotchet, quavers, 6 semiquavers, crotchetquaver
  • rests: rest, hat
  • pause, ostinato/riff
  • tempo: very slow/largo, slow/adagio, moderate/moderato, fast/allegro, very fast/presto


  • scales: major pentatonic, major scales up to 1 sharp and 1 flat in treble clef
  • intervals: steps and leaps, half step/semitone, whole step/tone, Perfect 5th and Perfect 8ve
  • triads: major
  • tonality: pentatonic, major and minor
  • pedal/drone, ostinato/riff

Dynamics and expression

  • very soft/pianissimo (pp) to very loud/fortissimo (ff) including mezzo piano (mp) and mezzo forte (mf)
  • legato, staccato

Form and structure

  • repetition and contrast
  • riff/ostinato, call and response
  • binary, ternary/popular song form (verse, chorus), rondo


  • instrumental and vocal types and groups/ensembles


  • unison/monophonic/single line, homophonic/melody and accompaniment