Music literacy (aural/theory)
Development of aural skills, aural memory and inner hearing to identify, sing/playback and notate rhythmic passages, melodic patterns based on familiar scale and intervals, and simple chord progressions (ACAMUM099)
Aural identification of the elements of music in isolation and combination in a range of music excerpts (not all content may be relevant to the selected context):
- beat groupings/subdivision in simple time:
and compound time:
- rests
- swung rhythms
- tempo: (andante, allegretto)
- scales: add harmonic minor, Blues up to 3 sharps and 3 flats in treble and bass clefs
- intervals: add m6, M6, m7, M7 ascending and descending
- chords: major and minor triads, primary triads in isolation and simple progressions, add (i, iv, V) in minor keys, (vi) in major keys and (V7) in both major and minor keys
- tonality: relevant to scales listed, modulation to relative major/minor
- riff/ostinato, pedal, sequence
Dynamics and expression
- dynamic gradations and articulations to create contrast and alter timbre
Form and structure
- use of theme
- instruments and voice types, groups/ensembles, method of sound production, mutes, pedals and distortion
- polyphonic/multi-voice