Knowledge and understanding

Civics and Citizenship

Democracy and law in action

The freedoms that enable active participation in Australia's democracy within the bounds of law, including freedom of speech, association, assembly, religion and movement (ACHCK061)

How citizens can participate in Australia's democracy, including use of the electoral system, contact with their elected representatives, use of lobby groups and direct action (ACHCK062)

How laws are made in Australia through parliaments (statutory law) (ACHCK063)

How laws are made in Australia through the courts (common law) (ACHCK063)

The types of law in Australia, including criminal law, civil law and the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law (ACHCK064)

Different perspectives about Australia's national identity, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and what it means to be Australian (ACHCK066)

Economics and Business

Participation and influences in the marketplace

The way markets operate in Australia and how the interaction between buyers and sellers influences prices and how markets enable the allocation of resources (how businesses answer the questions of what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce) (ACHEK027)

How the government is involved in the market, such as providing some types of goods and services that are not being provided for sufficiently by the market (e.g. healthcare) (ACHEK027)

The rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses in Australia (ACHEK029)

Types of businesses (e.g. sole trader, partnership, corporation, cooperative, franchise) and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030)

Influences on the ways people work (e.g. technological change, outsourced labour in the global economy, rapid communication changes and factors that might affect work in the future) (ACHEK031)


Landforms and landscapes

The different types of landscapes in Australia and their distinctive landform features (e.g. coastal, riverine, arid, mountain, karst) (ACHGK048)

The spiritual, cultural and aesthetic value of landscapes and landforms for people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACHGK049)

The geographical processes that produce landforms, including a case study of one type of landform, such as mountains, volcanoes, riverine or coastal landforms (ACHGK050)

The causes, spatial distribution, impacts and responses to a geomorphic hazard (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, landslide, avalanche) (ACHGK053)

How the effects caused by geomorphic hazards are influenced by social, cultural and economic factors (e.g. where people choose to live, poverty, the available infrastructure and resources to prepare and respond to a hazard) (ACHGK053)

How the application of principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness minimises the harmful effects of geomorphic hazards (ACHGK053)

Changing nations

The causes and consequences of urbanisation in Australia and one other country from the Asia region (ACHGK054)

The reasons for, and effects of, internal migration in Australia (ACHGK056)

The reasons for, and effects of, international migration in Australia (ACHGK058)


The ancient to the modern world


  • Key features of the medieval world (feudalism, trade routes, voyages of discovery, contact and conflict) (ACOKH009)

Depth study 1: Investigating medieval Europe (c. 590 – c. 1500)

The way of life in medieval Europe (e.g. social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society (ACDSEH008)

Significant developments and/or cultural achievements, such as changing relations between Islam and the West (including the Crusades), architecture, medieval manuscripts and music (ACDSEH050)

Continuity and change in society in one of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051)

The role of significant individuals in the medieval period (e.g. Charlemagne) (ACDSEH052)

Depth study 2: Investigating the Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa (14th century plague)

Living conditions and religious beliefs in the 14th century, including life expectancy, medical knowledge and beliefs about the power of God (ACDSEH015)

The role of expanding trade between Europe and Asia during the Black Death, including the origin and spread of the disease (ACDSEH069)

The causes and symptoms of the Black Death and the responses of different groups in society to the spread of the disease, such as the flagellants and monasteries (ACDSEH070)

The effects of the Black Death on Asian, European and African populations, and conflicting theories about the impact of the plague (ACDSEH071)