Disability Adjustment Guidelines
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority recognises that access to timed assessments could be significantly affected for students with a diagnosed disability, impairment or medical condition. Adjustments may need to be made for these students to access the assessment equitably. Evidence of the diagnosis is required for approval of adjustments for students with a disability and/or medical condition.
This document provides a summary of the adjustments that may be appropriate for a particular student in National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA), Externally Set Tasks (ESTs), school-based timed assessments for courses and ATAR course examinations. Schools should refer to the respective manual/handbooks for each assessment to determine who is able to approve the adjustment and what evidence to support the approval is required to be collected.
Key dates for 2024 are:
- Feb 2024: Application forms available (https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms/Examinations)
- 21 March 2024: Due date for standard applications (all pre-existing conditions)
- May/June 2024: Schools advised of the outcome of their applications for Equitable Access Arrangements
- July 2024: Late applications for new diagnoses will be accepted. After the start of Term 3, only emergency applications can be considered
- 24 July 2024: Final deadline for alternative format practical performance examinations (PES, DAN and MUS only)
- 12 August 2024: Final date for all requests of review of arrangements (new information to support existing application)
- Final date to lodge an appeal against decision (appeals should be made within 14 days of notification of approved/declined outcomes) No further changes to approved examination arrangements (except in emergency situations)
- 3 September 2024: Students can access their Personalised examination timetables
- 6 September 2024: No changes to examination venues
- Equitable Access to Assessment Policy and Guidelines
Last updated: 15th February 2024 2:20 pm
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