Year 1 SyllabusTest


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Year 1 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Year 1, students have opportunities to create solutions in one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students investigate the process of designing and producing products and services.

Students have opportunities to explore and question the use of technologies including components and equipment, their purpose and how they meet personal and social needs within known settings. They develop an understanding of how communities and local circumstances influence design and technologies decisions. Students appraise designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Students begin to consider the impact of design decisions and the use of technologies on others in their local community. They have opportunities to reflect on their participation in a design process. With support, students develop new strategies, and engage in different ways of evaluating and judging products and services based on personal preferences. Students are encouraged to make informed choices and to accept challenges, take risks and manage change when unexpected outcomes occur.

Using a range of techniques, including a variety of graphical representations to communicate, students draw, model and explain design ideas; label drawings; draw products and simple environments; and verbalise design ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

People produce familiar products and services to meet personal and community needs (ACTDEK001)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Ways objects can be moved using technology (ACTDEK002)

Food and fibre production

Plants and animals used for production have basic needs, such as food/nutrients, water, space, protection (ACTDEK003)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics and behaviours of individual materials used in products (ACTDEK004)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Explore opportunities for design (WATPPS06)


Develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS07)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make solutions (WATPPS08)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes (WATPPS09)

Collaborating and managing

Works independently, or with others when required, to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions (WATPPS10)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify people that produce familiar products and services and recall some simple stages of the production process. In Engineering principles and systems, students use technology to move objects and observe the reactions. In Food and fibre production, students identify plants and animals used for production and their basic needs. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students observe, explore and select materials to use for construction based on materials’ characteristics and behaviours.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students explore opportunities when designing products or solutions. They develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students use given components and equipment and work safely to make solutions. They develop personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes. Students work independently, or with others, to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Year 1, students have opportunities to create solutions in one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students investigate the process of designing and producing products and services.

Students have opportunities to explore and question the use of technologies including components and equipment, their purpose and how they meet personal and social needs within known settings. They develop an understanding of how communities and local circumstances influence design and technologies decisions. Students appraise designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Students begin to consider the impact of design decisions and the use of technologies on others in their local community. They have opportunities to reflect on their participation in a design process. With support, students develop new strategies, and engage in different ways of evaluating and judging products and services based on personal preferences. Students are encouraged to make informed choices and to accept challenges, take risks and manage change when unexpected outcomes occur.

Using a range of techniques, including a variety of graphical representations to communicate, students draw, model and explain design ideas; label drawings; draw products and simple environments; and verbalise design ideas.

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