
Exploration of, and experimentation with, four (4) elements of dance (BEST)

  • Body:
    • body parts (gestures)
    • body zones (front, back, sideways)
    • body bases (feet, knees, hands)
  • Energy:
  • Space:
    • levels (medium, low, high)
    • direction (forward, backward, diagonal)
    • personal space and general space
    • dimensions (big, small, narrow, wide)
    • shape (straight, curved, angular, twisted, closed, circular, symmetry to asymmetry, angular to curved)
    • pathways (in the air with the arms, under, over, on the floor)
  • Time:
    • tempo (fast, slow, slowing down, speeding up)
    • rhythm (regular, irregular)

to create dance (ACADAM005)

Combinations of fundamental movement skills that develop body awareness, coordination, control and balance (ACADAM006)

Safe dance practices, including following warming-up and cooling down procedures (ACADAM006)