
Words that link paragraphs and sentences in logical relationships of time, cause and effect, comparison or addition. Connectives relate ideas to one another and help to show the logic of the information. Connectives are important resources for creating cohesion in texts. The logical relationships can be grouped as follows:

  • temporal – to indicate time or sequence ideas (for example, ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘next’)
  • causal – to show cause and effect (for example, ‘because’, ‘for’ , ‘so’)
  • additive – to add information (for example, ‘also’, ‘besides’, ‘furthermore’)
  • comparative – to compare (for example, ‘rather’, ‘alternatively’)
  • conditional/concessive – to make conditions or concession (for example, ‘yet’, ‘although’)
  • clarifying – for example, ‘in fact’, ‘for example’.