Year 7 SyllabusTest


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Year 7 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 7, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as decomposing problems and engaging students with a wider range of information systems as they broaden their experiences and involvement in national, regional and global activities.

Students have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as interactive web applications or simulations.

Students explore the properties of networked systems. They acquire data from a range of digital systems. Students use data to model objects and events. They further develop their understanding of the vital role that data plays in their lives.

Students are provided with further opportunities to develop abstractions, identifying common elements, while decomposing apparently different problems and systems to define requirements; and recognise that abstractions hide irrelevant details for particular purposes. When defining problems, students identify the key elements of the problems and the factors and constraints at play. They design increasingly complex algorithms that allow data to be manipulated automatically.

Students predict and evaluate their developed and existing solutions, considering time, tasks, data and the safe and sustainable use of information systems.

Students plan and manage individual and team projects with some autonomy. They consider ways of managing the exchange of ideas, tasks and files and feedback. When communicating and collaborating online, students develop an understanding of different social contexts; for example, acknowledging cultural practices and meeting legal obligations.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Different types of networks, including wired, wireless and mobile networks (ACTDIK023)

Representation of data

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Create information using relevant software, and create data to model objects and/or events (ACTDIP026)

Digital implementation

Create digital solutions that include a user interface where choices can be made (ACTDIP030)

Create and communicate information collaboratively online, taking into account social contexts (ACTDIP032)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define and break down a given task, identifying the purpose (WATPPS39)

Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints (WATPPS40)


Design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes within a given context, using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS41)

Follow a plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps (WATPPS42)

Producing and implementing

Safely make solutions using a range of components, equipment and techniques (WATPPS43)


Independently apply given contextual criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions (WATPPS44)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when using management processes (WATPPS45)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify types of networks, including wired, wireless and mobile networks and the hardware components of a network. They identify ways digital systems represent text, image and audio data. Students use a range of digital sources to explore how to acquire data. They create information using relevant software, and creates data to model objects and/or events. Students create digital solutions considering the user experience of a digital system that allows for choices to be made within a user interface. They work collaboratively online to create and communicate information, with consideration for social contexts.

In Digital Technologies, students develop solutions and identify the purpose for a given digital task by considering constraints and components/resources. Students use a range of techniques, appropriate digital technical terms and technologies to design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes. They follow sequenced steps to a problem-solving plan. Students apply safe procedures to make solutions, using a range of components, equipment and techniques. They apply given contextual criteria to independently evaluate design processes and solutions. Students work independently, and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information, when using management processes.

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 7, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as decomposing problems and engaging students with a wider range of information systems as they broaden their experiences and involvement in national, regional and global activities.

Students have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as interactive web applications or simulations.

Students explore the properties of networked systems. They acquire data from a range of digital systems. Students use data to model objects and events. They further develop their understanding of the vital role that data plays in their lives.

Students are provided with further opportunities to develop abstractions, identifying common elements, while decomposing apparently different problems and systems to define requirements; and recognise that abstractions hide irrelevant details for particular purposes. When defining problems, students identify the key elements of the problems and the factors and constraints at play. They design increasingly complex algorithms that allow data to be manipulated automatically.

Students predict and evaluate their developed and existing solutions, considering time, tasks, data and the safe and sustainable use of information systems.

Students plan and manage individual and team projects with some autonomy. They consider ways of managing the exchange of ideas, tasks and files and feedback. When communicating and collaborating online, students develop an understanding of different social contexts; for example, acknowledging cultural practices and meeting legal obligations.

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