Digital Technologies


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Digital Technologies


ABLEWA A stage description

In Stage A, student experiences are designed to move students from a pre-intentional stage of responding to a stage where the response indicates beginning intention. Students will have had opportunities to experience and react to a range of digital solutions through explorative learning and guided play and integrated learning.

Students experience different types of data such as sound, images (still and moving), text and numbers. Students experiment with alternative ways of representing data as images.

Students experience the concept of abstraction to identify significant steps involved in everyday routine activities such as having a shower or bath.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital Systems

React to the use of some common digital systems, (hardware and software components), as they experience their purpose (VCDTDS001)

Data and Information

React to patterns and different types of data and experience how data is sorted and represented as images using digital systems (VCDTDI002)

Processes and production skills

Creating Digital Solutions

Experience steps involved in completing a routine task (VCDTCD003)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage A, students recognise common digital systems that are used to meet specific everyday purposes.

Students react to different types of data and how digital systems can be used to represent data as images.

Students recognise that routine tasks involve completing a set of steps.


ABLEWA B stage description

In Stage B, students become less reliant on high stages of co-active support and become more reliant on verbal prompts and gestures to facilitate learning. Students will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through structured learning experience, guided play and integrated learning, such as using a switch to access a variety of cause and effect programs, toys and devices and recording mathematical data with software applications.

Students begin to experience the use of common digital systems and begin to explore and to sort data. They assist to organise, manipulate and present this data in various creative ways.

Students follow schedules and sequence steps to complete many routine tasks and manage everyday problems. They begin to develop their ability to carry out instructions through sequenced steps.

Through structured learning experience students learn about the safe use of devices for learning and communicating.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital Systems

Explore the purpose and use of some common digital systems (hardware and software components) (VCDTDS004)

Data and Information

Collect and sort familiar data, and with assistance use digital systems to represent the findings as images (VCDTDI005)

Processes and production skills

Creating Digital Solutions

Follow a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems (VCDTCD006)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage B, students explore some common digital systems for a purpose.

Students collect data, sort them based on given characteristics and with assistance use digital systems to display findings as images.

Students follow a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems.


ABLEWA C stage description

In Stage C, students intentionally participate in learning experiences and respond more consistently to prompts and simple clear directions from the teacher to support them to learn. They will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through structured learning experiences and integrated learning, such as using a train or car set, software to record work, movie or personal presentation or recording science data with software applications.

Students access common digital systems to learn, to create and store their work. They learn about patterns that exist within data. They collect and assist in the recording of data. Students organise and explore various ways to manipulate and present this data, including image, audio and video data, in creative ways to represent their achievement and understandings.

Students are starting to identify and define problems, and are learning to identify the most important information, such as the significant steps involved in completing a task. They can identify and sequence key steps for carrying out instructions, such as accessing a familiar software program.

Students carry out the safe use of common digital systems for learning.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital Systems

Initiate some basic functions on common digital systems (hardware and software components) to meet a purpose (VCDTDS007)

Data and Information

Collect, sort and recognise simple patterns in data, and assist with the use of digital systems to represent data as pictures and symbols (VCDTDI008)

Processes and production skills

Creating Digital Solutions

Follow, and with assistance, represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (VCDTCD009)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage C, students explore alternative digital systems to meet a purpose.

Students collect and sort different data and identify patterns in data through matching. With assistance, they use digital systems to display findings with pictures and symbols.

Students represent a sequence of steps that could be followed to solve a simple problem.


ABLEWA D stage description

In Stage D, students are building their independence and participating cooperatively in group learning activities. They combine and sequence key words and images to communicate personal interest and significant experiences and are beginning to reflect on their own behaviour and learning. They will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through guided play and integrated learning, such as using remote control cars or recording information with software applications.

Students begin to try different ways of carrying out common functions with digital systems and recognise patterns that exist within data they collect. Students explore ways to collate, represent, save and present this data, including numerical, categorical, text, image (still and moving) and audio data.

Students complete significant steps involved in using devices and software. They begin to identify and follow sequence of steps for carrying out instructions, such as listing the steps in wrapping a present.

Through discussion with teachers, students learn to apply safe and ethical practices  to protect themselves and others when using digital systems for learning.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital Systems

Carry out some key functions on digital systems (hardware and software components) to meet a purpose (VCDTDS010)

Data and Information

Collect, sort, and recognise, with assistance, different types of patterns in data, and use digital systems to represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams (VCDTDI011)

Processes and production skills

Creating Digital Solutions

Follow and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (VCDTCD012)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage D, students use key functions of digital systems and indicate their purpose.

Students collect, sort and recognise, with assistance different types of patterns in data. They use digital systems to display results using pictures, symbols and diagrams.

Students use a sequence of steps and decision making processes to solve a simple problem.

Pre-primary year Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Digital Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on developing foundational skills in computational thinking and an ability to engage in personal experiences using digital systems.

In Pre-primary, students explore the uses of technologies in everyday life. They develop an understanding that symbols are a powerful means of communication and how they can represent ideas, thoughts and concepts.

Students explore common patterns, pictures and symbols that exist within data they collect, and present this data in creative ways to make meaning.

Students learn to experiment with expressing ideas and make meaning when defining problems. Students draw on their memory of a sequence of steps to complete a task (algorithm), such as packing away play equipment or completing a puzzle.

Students explore how information systems meet recreational needs. They develop an awareness of the importance of online safety when engaging with digital technologies.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems (hardware and software) are used at home, in the school and in the community (ACTDIK001)

Representation of data

Data can have patterns and can be represented as pictures and symbols (ACTDIK002)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data
Digital implementation

Engage with information known people have shared in an online environment, and model strategies to stay safe online (ACTDIP006)

Creating solutions by:


Generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS02)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make simple solutions (WATPPS03)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of simple solutions (WATPPS04)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or with others when required, for solutions (WATPPS05)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students label digital systems (hardware and software) and where they are used. They represent data using pictures, symbols and patterns. Students follow safety strategies while they collect and use information from an online source.

In Digital Technologies, students explore needs for designing simple solutions. They generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students safely use given components and equipment, to make simple solutions and evaluate their success using personal preferences.

Year 1 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Digital Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on expanding on foundational skills in computational thinking and, with developing confidence, students engage in personal experiences using digital systems.

In Year 1, students have opportunities to create a range of solutions through guided learning.

Students learn about common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect, and how they may include pictures, symbols and diagrams. They explore ways to organise and manipulate data, including numerical, text, image, audio and video data, to create meaning and present the data using simple digital systems.

Students explore problems to identify the most important information. Students learn to explain algorithms as a sequence of steps for carrying out instructions.

Students explore how information systems meet information and recreational needs. They develop an understanding of online environments and the need for safety considerations.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems (hardware and software) are used in everyday life and have specific features (ACTDIK001)

Representation of data

Data can have patterns and can be represented as pictures, symbols and diagrams (ACTDIK002)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data
Digital implementation

Share and publish information with known people in an online environment, modelling strategies to stay safe online (ACTDIP006)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Explore opportunities for design (WATPPS06)


Develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS07)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make solutions (WATPPS08)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes (WATPPS09)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or with others when required, to create and safely share sequenced steps for solutions (WATPPS10)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify specific features of digital systems (hardware and software) and where they are used in everyday life. They represent data using pictures, symbols and diagrams. Students follow strategies to stay safe online while they select and use a variety of digital tools to present information in an online environment.

In Digital Technologies, students explore opportunities when designing products or solutions. They develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students use given components and equipment and work safely to make solutions. They develop personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes. Students work independently, or with others, to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.

Year 2 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Digital Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on broadening students prior skills in computational thinking and providing opportunities for engaging in personal and social experiences when using digital systems.

In Year 2, students have opportunities to create a range of solutions through guided learning and collaboration with peers.

Students explore common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect. They build their skills to organise, manipulate and present the data in creative ways, including numerical, categorical, text, image, audio and video data, to create meaning and communicate ideas.

Students begin to develop their design skills by conceptualising algorithms as a sequence of steps for carrying out instructions, such as identifying steps in a process, or controlling robotic devices.

Students explore how information systems meet information, communication and/or recreational needs. They build on their understanding of aspects of online safety when engaging with digital technologies.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems (hardware and software) are used for an identified purpose (ACTDIK001)

Representation of data

Data can have patterns and can be represented and used to make simple conclusions (ACTDIK002)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data
Digital implementation

Share and publish information in a safe online environment, with known people (ACTDIP006)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Explore design to meet needs or opportunities (WATPPS11)


Develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of steps (WATPPS12)

Producing and implementing

Use components and given equipment to safely make solutions (WATPPS13)


Use simple criteria to evaluate the success of design processes and solutions (WATPPS14)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to organise information and ideas to create and safely share sequenced steps for solutions (WATPPS15)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students use digital systems for a specific purpose making connections between software and hardware. They identify patterns within data to make simple conclusions. Students select, present and use data using a variety of digital tools in an online environment.

In Digital Technologies, students explore design to meet needs or opportunities. They develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or sequenced steps. Students use components and given equipment to safely make solutions. They use simple criteria to evaluate the success of design processes and solutions. Students work independently, or collaboratively, to organise information and ideas to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.

Year 3 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 3, students further develop understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as categorising and outlining procedures. They have opportunities to create solutions, such as interactive adventures and simple guessing games that may involve user choice.

Students explore digital systems in terms of their components, and peripheral devices, such as digital microscopes, cameras and interactive whiteboards. They collect and present data, developing an understanding of the characteristics of data and their representation.

Students learn to define simple problems using techniques to deduce and explain simple conclusions. They learn to develop their design skills by following prepared algorithms to describe branching (choice of options). Students experiment with appropriate software, including visual programming environments that use graphical elements, such as symbols and pictures to implement their solutions.

Students continue to develop an understanding of communicating ideas and information safely when using digital technologies.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems and peripheral devices are used for different purposes (ACTDIK007)

Representation of data

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Collect and present different types of data using simple software to create useful information (ACTDIP009)

Digital implementation

Use visually represented sequenced steps (algorithms), including steps with decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Create a sequence of steps to solve a given task (WATPPS16)


Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS17)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely use, appropriate components with given equipment to make a solution (WATPPS18)


Use criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions developed (WATPPS19)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, create and communicate sequenced steps (WATPPS20)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students explore and recognise some differences and the purpose of digital systems and peripheral devices and present data in a variety of ways. Students develop ideas with sequenced steps (algorithms) and branching, using simple software to collect and present data. They work with others to create and communicate ideas and information.

In Digital Technologies, students create sequenced steps (algorithms) to solve a given digital task. They develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms. Students select and safely use appropriate components with given equipment to make a solution. They use criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions developed. Students work independently, or collaboratively, to plan, safely create and communicate sequenced steps.

Year 4 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 4, students further develop understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as categorising and outlining procedures. They have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as interactive adventures that involve user choice, modelling simplified real world systems.

Students explore digital systems in terms of their components, and peripheral devices, such as digital microscopes, cameras and interactive whiteboards. They collect, manipulate and interpret data, developing a capacity to use data and their representations to communicate ideas.

Students learn to define problems and to deduce and record conclusions through text and diagrams. They have opportunities to experiment with refining designing skills, describing their own algorithms that support branching (choice of options) and user input. Students implement solutions using appropriate software, including visual programming environments that use a variety of graphical elements. They define solutions to meet specific needs and consider society's use of digital systems that meet community requirements.

Students explain the safety aspects of communicating ideas and information using digital technologies.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems and peripheral devices are used for different purposes and can store and transmit different types of data (ACTDIK007)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Collect and present different types of data for a specific purpose using software (ACTDIP009)

Digital implementation

Use simple visual programming environments that include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a sequence of steps to design a solution for a given task (WATPPS21)

Identify and choose the appropriate resources from a given set (WATPPS22)


Develop and communicate design ideas and decisions using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS23)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely use, appropriate components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS24)


Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions (WATPPS25)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, create and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS26)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify different purposes for digital systems and peripheral devices, recognising they can store and transmit a variety of data. They use simple visual programming, including a sequence of steps (algorithms) and branching, students represent data in a range of ways. They create and communicate ideas and information and use software to collect and represent different types of data, using agreed protocols (netiquette).

In Digital Technologies, students use algorithms (sequenced steps) to design a solution for a given digital task. They identify and choose the appropriate resources from a given set. Students develop and communicate design ideas and decisions, using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms. They select and safely use appropriate components and equipment to make solutions. Students use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions for a given digital task. They work independently, or collaboratively, to plan, safely create and communicate ideas and information for solutions.

Year 5 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 5, students further develop understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as identifying similarities in different problems and describing smaller components of complex systems. They have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as games and interactive stories and animations that involve branching (choice of options).

Students explore the role that individual components of digital systems play in the processing and representation of data. They learn to acquire, justify and track various types of data. Students are introduced to the concept of data states in digital systems and how data are transferred between systems.

Students use abstractions by identifying common elements across similar problems and systems. They develop an understanding of the relationship between models and the real-world systems they represent.

When creating solutions, students identify appropriate data and requirements. They develop skills to write clear algorithms by identifying repetition and incorporate repeat instructions or structures when implementing their solutions. They make judgments about design solutions against the effectiveness in existing information systems.

Students develop strategies to communicate information and ideas using agreed ethical protocols, taking into account the safety aspects of working in digital environments.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems have components with basic functions that may connect together to form networks which transmit data (ACTDIK014)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Collect, store and present different types of data for a specific purpose using software (ACTDIP016)

Digital implementation

Design, follow and represent diagrammatically, a simple sequence of steps (algorithm), involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)

Implement and use simple programming environments that include branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP020)

Create and communicate information, including online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (codes of conduct) (ACTDIP022)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a problem, and set of sequenced steps, with users making a decision to create a solution for a given task (WATPPS27)


Develop and communicate alternative solutions and follow design ideas, using annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS29)

Producing and implementing

Select, and apply safe, procedures when using components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS30)


Develop negotiated criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions (WATPPS31)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS32)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify components of digital systems and their basic functions that connect to form networks which transmit data. They represent data using code, as well as using software to collect, store and present data for a specific purpose. Students create design solutions for a user interface and design, follow and represent diagrammatically, a simple sequence of steps (algorithms), involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition), implementing and using simple programming. They create and communicate information for online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (codes of conduct).

In Digital Technologies, students define a problem, identify available resources and create algorithms (sequenced steps) to assist in decision making for a given digital task. They develop and communicate alternative solutions, and use annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms when following design ideas. Students select and apply safe procedures when using components and equipment. They develop negotiated criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions. Students work independently, or collaboratively, to plan, safely develop and communicate ideas and information.

Year 6 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 6, students further develop understanding and skills in computational thinking such as identifying similarities in different problems and describing smaller components of complex systems. They will have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as quizzes and interactive stories and animations that involves more than one branching solution (choice of options).

Students consolidate their understanding of the role individual components of digital systems play in the processing and representation of data. They acquire, validate, interpret, track and manage various types of data, and begin to explain the concept of data states in digital systems and how data are transferred between systems.

Students learn to further develop abstractions by identifying common elements across similar problems and systems and make connections between models and the real-world systems they represent.

When creating solutions, students further refine their skills to identify and use appropriate data and requirements. They increase the sophistication of their algorithms by identifying repetition. They learn to incorporate repeat instructions or structures when implementing their solutions through visual programming environments, such as reading user input until an answer is guessed correctly in a quiz.

Students critique design solutions and examine the sustainability of their own, and existing, information systems.

Students develop strategies to communicate information and ideas using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols, taking into account the safety aspects of working in digital environments.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Digital systems have components with basic functions and interactions that may be connected together to form networks which transmit different types of data (ACTDIK014)

Representation of data

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Collect, sort, interpret and visually present different types of data using software to manipulate data for a range of purposes (ACTDIP016)

Digital implementation

Design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, simple algorithms (sequence of steps) involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)

Implement and use simple visual programming environments that include branching (decisions), iteration (repetition) and user input (ACTDIP020)

Manage the creation and communication of information, including online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (ACTDIP022)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a problem, and a set of sequenced steps, with users making decisions to create a solution for a given task (WATPPS33)


Design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, alternative solutions using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS35)

Producing and implementing

Select, and apply safe, procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS36)


Develop collaborative criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions (WATPPS37)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, considering resources, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS38)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students outline interactions between components and basic functions within digital systems and how they transmit different types of data to form networks. They make a connection between whole numbers being used to represent data within a digital system. They use software to collect, sort, interpret, visually present and manipulate data for a range of purposes. Students use simple visual programming environments to design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, algorithms (sequence of steps), involving branching (decisions), iteration (repetition) and consider user input. Students manage, create and communicate information for online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols.

In Digital Technologies, students identify available resources to design a solution for a given digital task, outlining problem-solving decisions, using algorithms (sequenced steps). Students develop alternative solutions by designing, modifying and following both diagrammatically and in written text, using a range of appropriate technical terms, technologies and techniques. They select and apply safe procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions. Students develop criteria collaboratively to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions. They work independently, or collaboratively, considering resources and safety to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions.

Year 7 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 7, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as decomposing problems and engaging students with a wider range of information systems as they broaden their experiences and involvement in national, regional and global activities.

Students have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as interactive web applications or simulations.

Students explore the properties of networked systems. They acquire data from a range of digital systems. Students use data to model objects and events. They further develop their understanding of the vital role that data plays in their lives.

Students are provided with further opportunities to develop abstractions, identifying common elements, while decomposing apparently different problems and systems to define requirements; and recognise that abstractions hide irrelevant details for particular purposes. When defining problems, students identify the key elements of the problems and the factors and constraints at play. They design increasingly complex algorithms that allow data to be manipulated automatically.

Students predict and evaluate their developed and existing solutions, considering time, tasks, data and the safe and sustainable use of information systems.

Students plan and manage individual and team projects with some autonomy. They consider ways of managing the exchange of ideas, tasks and files and feedback. When communicating and collaborating online, students develop an understanding of different social contexts; for example, acknowledging cultural practices and meeting legal obligations.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Different types of networks, including wired, wireless and mobile networks (ACTDIK023)

Representation of data

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Create information using relevant software, and create data to model objects and/or events (ACTDIP026)

Digital implementation

Create digital solutions that include a user interface where choices can be made (ACTDIP030)

Create and communicate information collaboratively online, taking into account social contexts (ACTDIP032)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define and break down a given task, identifying the purpose (WATPPS39)

Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints (WATPPS40)


Design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes within a given context, using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS41)

Follow a plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps (WATPPS42)

Producing and implementing

Safely make solutions using a range of components, equipment and techniques (WATPPS43)


Independently apply given contextual criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions (WATPPS44)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when using management processes (WATPPS45)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify types of networks, including wired, wireless and mobile networks and the hardware components of a network. They identify ways digital systems represent text, image and audio data. Students use a range of digital sources to explore how to acquire data. They create information using relevant software, and creates data to model objects and/or events. Students create digital solutions considering the user experience of a digital system that allows for choices to be made within a user interface. They work collaboratively online to create and communicate information, with consideration for social contexts.

In Digital Technologies, students develop solutions and identify the purpose for a given digital task by considering constraints and components/resources. Students use a range of techniques, appropriate digital technical terms and technologies to design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes. They follow sequenced steps to a problem-solving plan. Students apply safe procedures to make solutions, using a range of components, equipment and techniques. They apply given contextual criteria to independently evaluate design processes and solutions. Students work independently, and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information, when using management processes.

Year 8 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

In Year 8, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as decomposing problems, and engaging students with a wider range of information systems as they broaden their experiences and involvement in national, regional and global activities.

Students have opportunities to create a range of solutions, such as interactive web applications or simulations of relationships between objects in the real world.

Students investigate the properties of networked systems and their suitability and use for the transmission of data types. They acquire, analyse, visualise and evaluate various types of data, and the complexities of storing and transmitting that data in digital systems. Students use structured data to model objects and events that shape the communities they actively engage with. They further develop their understanding of the vital role that data plays in their lives, and how the data and related systems define and are limited by technical, environmental, economic and social constraints.

Students further develop abstractions, identifying common elements, while decomposing apparently different problems and systems to define requirements; and recognise that abstractions hide irrelevant details for particular purposes. When defining problems, students identify the key elements of the problems and the factors and constraints at play. They design increasingly complex algorithms that allow data to be manipulated automatically, and explore different ways of showing the relationship between data elements to help computation. They progress from designing the user interface, to considering user experience factors, such as user expertise, accessibility and usability requirements.

Students have opportunities to plan and manage individual and team projects. They consider ways of managing the exchange of ideas, tasks and files, and techniques for monitoring progress and feedback. When communicating and collaborating online, students develop an understanding of different social contexts; for example, acknowledging cultural practices and meeting legal obligations.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Methods of data transmission and security in wired, wireless and mobile networks (ACTDIK023)

Specifications of hardware components and their impact on network activities (ACTDIK023)

Representation of data

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Evaluate the authenticity, accuracy and timeliness of acquired data (ACTDIP025)

Evaluate and visualise data, using a range of software, to create information, and use structured data to model objects or events (ACTDIP026)

Digital implementation

Design plans, using a sequence of steps, and represent them diagrammatically and in English, to solve a problem and to predict output for a given input to identify errors (ACTDIP029)

Implement and modify solutions, that include user interfaces within a programming environment, including the need for choice of options and/or repeating options (ACTDIP030)

Create and communicate interactive ideas collaboratively online, taking into account social contexts (ACTDIP032)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Investigate a given need or opportunity for a specific purpose (WATPPS46)

Evaluate and apply a given brief (WATPPS47)

Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints (WATPPS48)


Design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative solutions, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS49)

Produce a simple plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps (WATPPS50)

Producing and implementing

Safely apply appropriate techniques to make solutions using a range of components and equipment (WATPPS51)


Develop contextual criteria independently to assess design processes and solutions (WATPPS52)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when managing processes (WATPPS53)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify methods of data transmission and security in wired, wireless and mobile networks and identify specifications of hardware components and outline apparent impacts on network activities. They identify how binary is used to represent data in digital systems. Students evaluate the authenticity, accuracy and timeliness of acquired data and use a range of software to evaluate and visualise data. Students present diagrammatically and in English, their designs and plans for the user experience of a digital system, with sequenced steps. They predict output for a given input to identify errors. Students modify and implement digital solutions, considering the user interface within a programming environment and the need for user choice and/or repeating options. They work collaboratively online to create and communicate interactive ideas with consideration for social contexts.

In Digital Technologies, students investigate a given need or opportunity for a specific purpose. They evaluate and apply a given brief, using some examples. Students consider and select components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints. They use appropriate technical terms and technology to design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative digital solutions. Students develop sequenced steps to produce a simple, problem-solving plan. They apply safe and appropriate techniques to make solutions, using a range of components and equipment. Students independently develop contextual criteria to assess design processes and solutions. They work independently, and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when managing projects.

Year 9 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

In Year 9, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking such as precisely and accurately describing problems and the use of modular approaches to solutions. It also focuses on engaging students with specialised learning in preparation for vocational training or learning in the senior secondary years.

Students have opportunities to analyse problems and design, implement and evaluate a range of solutions.

Students consider how human interaction with networked systems introduces complexities surrounding access to data of various types.

Students explore data collection methods and use structured data to analyse, visualise, model and evaluate objects and events.

Students learn how to develop multilevel abstractions; identify standard elements, such as searching and sorting in algorithms; and explore the trade-offs between the simplicity of a model and the faithfulness of its representation.

When defining problems students consider the functional and non-functional requirements of a solution through interacting with the users and reviewing processes. They consolidate their algorithmic design skills to incorporate testing. Students develop solutions to problems and evaluate their solutions and existing information systems based on a set of criteria. They consider the privacy and security implications of how data are used and controlled, and suggest how policies and practices can be improved to ensure the sustainability and safety of information systems.

When creating solutions individually, collaboratively and interactively for sharing in online environments, students respect the ownership of information.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing the movement of data in a digital system (ACTDIK034)

Representation of data

Different methods of manipulation, storage and transmission of data (ACTDIK035)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Explore techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data (ACTDIP036)

Analyse and visualise data to create information and address complex problems (ACTDIP037)

Digital implementation

Design algorithms, represented diagrammatically and in structured English, and validate plans and programs through tracing (ACTDIP040)

Create and use interactive solutions for sharing ideas and information online, taking into account social contexts (ACTDIP043)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Identify and define the needs of a stakeholder, to create a brief, for a solution (WATPPS54)

Investigate a selection of components/resources to develop solution ideas, identifying and considering constraints (WATPPS55)


Apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills (WATPPS56)

Design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS57)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions (WATPPS58)


Evaluate design processes and solutions against student developed criteria (WATPPS59)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk and safety (WATPPS60)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify the role of hardware and software have in managing, controlling and securing the movement of data in digital systems. They identify different methods used for manipulation, storage and transmission of data. Students explore techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data. They analyse and visualise data to create information and address complex problems. Students create a design for the user experience of a digital system supported by drafts with annotations. They design algorithms, represented diagrammatically and in structured English, and validate plans and programs through tracing. Students implement and apply data storage and organisation techniques. They create and use interactive solutions for sharing ideas and information online, taking into account social contexts.

In Digital Technologies, students identify and define the needs of a stakeholder to create a brief for a solution. They investigate a selection of components/resources to develop ideas, identifying and considering constraints. Students apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills. They provide design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology. Students select, test and safely implement appropriate technologies and processes to make solutions. They evaluate design processes against student-developed criteria. Students work independently and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. They consider time, cost, risk and safety.

Year 10 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

In Year 10, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as precisely and accurately describing problems; and the use of modular approaches to solutions. It also focuses on engaging students with specialised learning in preparation for vocational training or learning in the senior secondary years.

Students have opportunities to analyse problems and design, implement and evaluate a range of solutions, such as database-driven websites, artificial intelligence engines and simulations.

Students consider how human interaction with networked systems introduces complexities surrounding access to, and the security and privacy of, data of various types. They interrogate security practices and techniques used to compress data, and learn about the importance of separating content, presentation and behavioural elements for data integrity and maintenance purposes.

Students explore how bias can impact the results and value of data collection methods, and use structured data to analyse, visualise, model and evaluate objects and events.

Students learn how to develop multilevel abstractions; identify standard elements, such as searching and sorting in algorithms; and explore the trade-offs between the simplicity of a model and the faithfulness of its representation.

When defining problems, students consider the functional and non-functional requirements of a solution through interacting with clients/stakeholders and regularly reviewing processes. They consolidate their algorithmic design skills to incorporate testing and review, and further develop their understanding of the user experience to incorporate a wider variety of user needs. Students develop solutions to complex problems and evaluate their solutions and existing information systems, based on a broad set of criteria, including connections to existing policies and their enterprise potential. They consider the privacy and security implications of how data are used and controlled, and suggest how policies and practices can be improved to ensure the sustainability and safety of information systems.

Students have opportunities to become more skilled at identifying the steps involved in planning solutions and developing detailed plans that are mindful of risks and sustainability requirements. When creating solutions individually, collaboratively and interactively for sharing in online environments, students should comply with legal obligations, particularly with respect to the ownership of information.

Knowledge and understanding

Digital systems

Role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing access to data, in networked digital systems (ACTDIK034)

Representation of data

Simple compression of data and how content data is separated from presentation data (ACTDIK035)

Processes and production skills

Collecting, managing and analysing data

Apply techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data from a range of sources, considering privacy and security requirements (ACTDIP036)

Analyse, visualise and model processes and entities, and their relationships, using structured data (ACTDIP037)

Digital implementation

Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English, including iteration (ACTDIP040)

Implement data storage and organisation techniques within a programming environment  (ACTDIP041)

Create interactive solutions for sharing ideas and information online, taking into account social contexts and legal responsibilities (ACTDIP043)

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Identify the needs of the client/stakeholder  to determine the basis for a solution (WATPPS61)

Investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints (WATPPS63)


Apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication (WATPPS64)

Design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS65)

Producing and implementing

Select, justify, and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions (WATPPS66)


Analyse design processes and solutions against student developed criteria (WATPPS67)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities (WATPPS68)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students describe the role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing access to data, in networked digital systems. They describe the process of simple compression of data and how content data is separated from presentation data. Students apply techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data from a range of sources, and consider privacy and security requirements. They analyse, visualise and model processes and entities, and their relationships, using structured data. Students create a design for algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English, including iteration. They validate algorithms and programs, using commonly accepted methods. Students implement data storage and organisation techniques within a programming environment. They create interactive solutions for sharing ideas and information online, taking into account social contexts and legal responsibilities.

In Digital Technologies, students identify the needs of the client/stakeholder to determine the basis for a solution. They create and critique briefs. Students investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints. They apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication. Students design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics, using appropriate technical terms and technology. They select, justify and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes to make solutions. Students provide relevant analysis of design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria. They work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Students consider time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities.

algorithmic logicwireless networks/wirelesscodes of conductbitmapsystem/sorthogonal drawingsenvironment/stechnologies processesvisualisation software toolsnetwork/sfeaturesprotocolsemerging technologieselectromechanicaliterationservice designmaterialsenvironmental sustainability/environmentalethicssocial protocolsbiomimicryinnovationsocial networkuser interfacedigital citizenshiphardwareconstructed environmentnetiquetteassessdrawing standardsdesk checkingbranchingmanaged environmentproduct/ssustainability factorscodecequipmentqualitative data/qualitativeentityinformationdesign processesresourcescharacteristicsstudent developed criteriaprototypefibreclientdigital footprintaugmented reality (AR)production processessoftwarecomputational thinkingprogramming environment/scontextautomaterendered drawingdigital toolsprojectproject managementpersonal protective equipment (PPE)creativityaestheticsexploded viewcriteriamultimediaabstractionanalysedecomposeintellectual propertyfood guidesnutrientsdigital solutionshardwoodinformation systemhypertext markup language (HTML)technologiesbinarygraphic organisersmechanicalcontextual criterianutrition panelworking modelhealthy eatingservice/stechniqueswired networks/wiredeconomic sustainabilitytechnologies contextsrisk managementperipheral devicesdefinequantitative data/quantitativeengineeringmodelstructured datadesigningtoolscarbon footprintidentifysoftwoodexplore/donline environmenthealthpropertiesdesign thinkingvisual programmingdesigned solutionsstakeholderssocial sustainabilitycompressioncomponentsusabilitysensory propertiesmodifyinvestigatejustifyfutures thinkingDigital Technologiesjoining processesdataaccessibilitybrieflife cycle thinkingconstraintsdigital system/ssustainabilitydatabasestructured Englishstoryboardsdigital informationhypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)evaluatedesign briefproduction drawingergonomicsproducingalgorithm/sfunctionalitytransmission control protocol / internet protocol (TCP/IP)mobile networksperspective drawingtechnical protocolssystems thinking
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